User Portlet User Portlet

Please consider to supply a bit more context - which blog post of Mr Trott do you refer to - which warnings do you see ... to get a better answer. Quite often this helps - an educated use of `Evaluate[]` - redefining a function from...
Yes, VectorPlot[Evaluate[ TransformedField["Polar" -> "Cartesian", {0, 1}, {r, \[Theta]} -> {x, y}] ], {x, -3, 3}, {y, -3, 3}]
With $\omega2=\frac{1571}{125}$ the `Reduce[]` runs without warnings, giving at least a starting point for further work.
Multi-linearity does not lie in the exercise In[69]:= Clear[reynaAdd2] reynaAdd2[m_?MatrixQ ] := Block[ {x = Dimensions[m], x1 = Dimensions[m][[1]], x2 = Dimensions[m][[2]], x3 = Times @@ Dimensions[m]}, ArrayReshape[ ...
The usual chain of actions in that case is ![enter image description here][1] after supplying valid credentials you see ![enter image description here][2] and at computer's file system you see something like that ![enter image...
It's a beginning ... have a look there [CellularAutomaton Code Jam Wolfram Summer School 2015][1] or there [Elementary CA models from a different method ?][2] to go ahead with your ideas! [1]: ...
Grid[ Partition[ Table[ Plot[ Evaluate[{Re[ D[Hypergeometric0F1[1, (I*\[Pi]/2*x)*Exp[I 2 \[Pi] x]], {x, i}]], Im[D[ Hypergeometric0F1[1, (I*\[Pi]/2*x)*Exp[I 2 \[Pi]...
Because the unilateral [ZTransform][1] $Z(f[n]) ) = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}f[n]z^{-n}$ with $f[n]=-a^n u(-n-1)$ has $f[n]=0, n\geq0$ because the Heaviside function $u(-n-1) = 1$ only for $n
Observe - despite this argument has a weakness if repeated - that (because of $\infty-1=\infty$) one might single out one term $\sqrt2$ from `a=Sqrt[2]^Sqrt[2]^Sqrt[2]^...` coming to In[1]:= Solve[Sqrt[2]^a == a, a] Out[1]= {{a -> 2}, {a...
Please give more references to find it, even here in [The Mathematica Package Repository][1] it is not mentioned. Possibly it's a work done by your professor exclusively for his pupils and you are expected simply to ask for it .... [1]:...