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The code isn't wrong, the data must be *preprocessed*: texto.txt needs dots to make up numbers to Mathematica: `0.7` instead of `0,7`: ![enter image description here][1] Then it works - take into account that In[44]:= Clear[data] ... |
Without knowing `C1` it is not possible, [BesselK][1] is a power series: You can give values to `C1`, solve numerically and create an interpolation table between `C1` and the solution. Keep in mind, Mathematica has a syntax which it not the one of... |
Gave you [SelfLoopStyle][1] -> None a try? Or one could try to fill the empty lists or even empty rules with some flavours of [Invisible][2] ... The "upside-down" problem seems not to appear, because the first rules (in tpath[[2,2,200,2]]) appear on... |
Interesting, separation on a diagonal can also be a problem! Modifying your code into lower = 1.0; upper = 10^9; n = 40; offset =(* 1000; *) 0; m = 1; While[n-- > 0, test = (upper + lower)/2; pts = {offset + {0.0, 0.0},... |
Then click the error message (ref/message/Solve/svars) to read > This message is generated when the number of variables listed in the > second argument of Solve is greater than the number of variables that > could be determined from the... |
Try that In[70]:= Clear[r] r = {2, 3, 4}; (r /. x_Integer -> If[Divisible[Total[r], x], Hold[x], x])/Total[r] Out[72]= {2/9, Hold[3]/9, 4/9} |
Behaviour once more persistent under Mathematica 10.4.1, Windows 10 Professional 64 Bit. |
Not working under Windows 10 Professional with Mathematica 10.4.1 too, PlanckRadiationLaw[Quantity[10000, "Kelvins"], "SpectralPlot"] PlanckRadiationLaw[Quantity[300, "DegreesCelsius"], "SpectralPlot"] return empty plots. |
You could use e.g. [Interpolation][1], giving for the sake of definitness arguments to the deltaX and deltaY data again In[7]:= Clear[fX, fY] fX = Interpolation[Transpose[{Range[0, Length[deltaX] - 1], deltaX}]]; fY =... |
In[12]:= Clear[lukEq] lukEq[n_Integer] := FindInstance[a^2 + b^2 + c^2 == n && a > b > c, {a, b, c}, Integers] /; Positive[n] In[14]:= lukEq[17] Out[14]= {{a -> 4, b -> 1, c -> 0}} In[15]:= lukEq[2016] ... |