User Portlet User Portlet

Szabolcs Horvát
Alright, thank You very much! :)
I only got around to testing it now. It works as prescribed. Problem solved. Thank you, Ian.
> I was asking about the rational behind the decision to implement the parameter to both functions in different ways?! There is no difference. Can you show an example that demonstrates a difference?
Hi Tran. Did you ever solve this problem? I have the same issue. Thanks,
Daniel: I don't have a need for LaTeX, but almost all of the work I do I have to generate a PDF.
**Updated Information for Installing the Package TuGames: 17.05.2020** For those who want to get the most recent version of the Mathematica Package *TuGames* 2.6.1, we recommend a direct installation from GitHub under Mathematica V11.3 or later...
I'll add my 2 cents of answer relating to your sentence > Thanks, but I rather want them to be returned on two separate output > lines, if that's possible. As mentioned by Szabolcs functions always **return** a single answer. Therefore, if you...
@Szabolcs Horvat Bingo! yep, I didn't realize the kernel was set on WolframEngine(Jupyter) until checking $Version to produce 12.0. Now it works after switching to Local, thanks!
Hello, I am progressing slowly in this direction. I confirm that the Wolfram language already has a standard object model: Options. I am wondering what kind of relationship between objects the FilterRules (formerly FilterOptions) system installs ....
From [@Todd Gayley][at0]'s tutorial [here][1], you're supposed to be able to set `Updating -> Automatic` in PacletInfo.wl and the Paclet will update automatically. However, I found your post because that has not been my experience. Since this is a 3...