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First obtain the data from ColorData["HTML", "ColoRules"] and eliminate duplicate colors. Then loop through the distance measures built-in for ColorDistance: For each of...
List @@@ {RGBColor["AliceBlue"], RGBColor["DarkMagenta"]}
Oh that's perfect, thank you.
Thank you very much! LeTexte = Import["UEMO2021.txt", {"Text", "Lines"}, CharacterEncoding -> "WindowsANSI"]; works perfectly! Regards, Claude
![enter image description here][2] -- you have earned ***Featured Contributor Badge*** ![enter image description here][1] Your exceptional post has been selected for our editorial column ***Staff Picks*** and [Your...
You can get the data directly by using this resource function: For example: ResourceFunction["CaliforniaCOVID19Data"]["Cases"]
Hi. Did you ever find an implementation of the MuZero paper with Wolfram Language/Mathematica?
Thank you, Mano. We're all watching how your team enhances theorem proving in WL, as more theories are added to AxiomaticTheory. I may post other questions as this 6-session course on Theorem Proving progresses. John McGee teaches it thru Tech...
Rohit ... thank you so much, this is great. I embellished by giving dashed borders to the datasets and switching to digraph layout. programNames = suitedata[[;; , 1]]; vsf[width_, fontSize_][pos_, label_, _] := Inset[Framed[ ...
Hi Mohga, Your result does not match the expected result because you didn't graph the same values for Z. You've also got a vulnerability by using machine numbers in your table, which will often cause Mathematica to lose internal precision because...