User Portlet User Portlet

Suppose I have a collection data that corresponds to the trough (not minima) of a time series. If I want to get its depth, relative to some time after its occurrence, what would be the best way to do this? I'm not really familiar with signal...
I imported a csv file into Mathematica and I want to append columns to it: Append[Data[[i]], Cycle[i][[15, j]]], {i, 1, Length[CycleStartTime]}]; This allows me to append one column, what if I want to append more columns?
Hi there, can someone provide an example of how to include a button on the manipulate command that would export the data you select? SetOptions[ Plot, {ImageSize -> 400, AspectRatio -> 0.2, ImagePadding -> {{100, 1}, {10,...
![enter image description here][1] If the y-axis in the image corresponds to MLT, and we are looking at a number of orbits. How do you interpret the way the lines are with respect to an orbit? If I zoom in closer: ![enter image description...
Hi there, how can I change the export directory other than C:\Users\LogInName\Documents\ ? I tried Insert-> File Path but that doesn't work.
![enter image description here][1] [1]: I have the following command: ListLinePlot[Transpose[sampleData[[{2, 18}]]], Frame -> True, ...
I'm trying to consolidate 200 files, 32 MB each unzipped which is about 6.5 GB of highly compressed data into one .CDF file. Would loading this in Mathematica be an issue?