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Dear Christopher, Congratulations on the development of a very useful contagion network model. I have been working along the same issues using production networks (in which economic shocks are considered as disease propagation), which are... |
Dear all, I have a directed graph G with 10,000 nodes. I am interested in identifying (l,r)-cores of G where l and r denote the in-degree and the out-degree of G, respectively. Mathematica has already developed separately: ... |
I use Mathematica 10, 64 windows and have no problem with it. |
thank you very much, the last thing I would like to know is if I can somehow make it show me the values of Manipulate [] as tables. Manipulate[ FindRoot[{eq[Pn, k, a, h, d] == 0, x[Pn, h, d] == casax}, {{casax, 1}, {Pn,... |
A beginner's guide to subscripted variables is attached. The question of commas in subscripts was treated last year in . |
Hi, With help from some of you guys in this forum I have developed the following Code, which works perfectly. My questions are: 1) how to automate the simulations with varying initial conditions. In the following CODE, a given set of initial... |
Yes, it is what I was after; however, the Manipulate code above does not manipulate the parameters. I run the model and change the parameters but the values of the variables concerned do not change at all. I could not see any problem with your Code.... |
This has done serious injury to your code, but I believe it has also fixed some serious errors. For example, the expression to be displayed now appears before all the manipulate controls. That is as the documentation for Manipulate shows. The code... |
Dear Miguel and Bruce, I have solved my problem with your help. The solution is to write the model equations in Standard Input Form and then using "Convert to" command under "Cell" I convert the Standard form to Traditional form. Thereafter, I... |
If I use Notepad to inspect just the first line of your notebook then I see Clear[Subscript[\[Alpha], 1], Subscript[\[Alpha], 2], \[Gamma], \[Eta], \[Mu], \[Theta], \[Lambda], \[Epsilon], Subscript[\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(\[Tau]\),... |