User Portlet User Portlet

Does anyone know when 12.1 will come to Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition?
Trying to correct code with the suggestions. I didn't see how I could use MemberQ; so I used Element. How would you tweak the code below to get a proof that {1,2,3} = {3,2,1}. axiom2 = ForAll[{x, y}, Implies[ForAll[z,...
Hi Jonathan, I have been learning Proof Theory on my own and am working on a document that mathematically explores some notions of proof theory. I have also described in detail the slowest way to prove something: brute force. Then I recently...
To clarify my question, suppose f is a function of n, where n is some number beyond the amount we want to write, 30 say, variables. The Hessian as I understanding is all possible second partial derivatives evaluated at a point with 30 coordinates in...
The basic idea is that I want to define a function whose number of variables depends on the size of an imported spreadsheet. This might be thousands of variables. While working on an optimization problem, I encountered this problem: I need to...