User Portlet User Portlet

Werner Geiger
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
I'm afraid it's a silly question, but I don't know the answer. When printing from a notebook via several Print[...] functions, how can one force a page break, i.e. a new page within the printed form of the notebook, e.g. after: Save as ...pdf. ...
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
If I have a custom function with optional values, how can I find **all the options used for a particular call**? If I write: ClearAll[f]; Options[f]={opt1->42,opt2->""}; f[x_,options:OptionsPattern[]]:=Module[{}, Row[{"x =...
On Windows 10, I get LinkObject errors related to "XML.exe" when using natural language or WolframAlpha input from standard notebooks. There is no problem on Windows 11. (WolframAlpha works from the website and from the Windows application). ...
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
As an example I use Graphics3D: Graphics3D[Cone[]] ![enter image description here][1] If I set some options for following function calls: SetOptions[Graphics3D, Axes -> True, AxesLabel -> {x, y, z}, FaceGrids -> All, ...
Apart from the character \\[Hyphen], I cannot find any character for conditional hyphenation as most word processors, especially MS Word, have. That is, a character that is not normally output, but is used as a hyphenation position when needed.