I have issues with the camera and the sense hat. Not quite sure if they are related.
While trying to DeviceRead["RaspiCam"]
I don't get any errors, but the connection with the camera drops and I have to run DeviceOpen["RaspiCam"]
again to establish the connection. Running raspistill works fine, so I know the camera is functioning.
Also, if I use Run["raspistill etc...] followed by Import[%]
it also works.
On the hat, however, I tried to DeviceOpen["SenseHAT"]
I get the error DeviceOpen::mraaInitFailure
Failed to Initialize MRAA Library.
Again, if I run a simple python script the hat works just fine, so I also know it not malfunctioning.
A couple of things that may , or may not be related to this: I had to increase the GPU memory to use my NoIR camera to work. I read someone's post about a Package Raspicam.m, under WolframEngine/Devices/ but it is not present in my installation.
The post was not very clear, so I'm not sure if they wrote it themselves.
I ran PacletInformation["MRAALink"]
just in case it helped:
{"Name" -> "MRAALink", "Version" -> "1.0.2", "BuildNumber" -> "",
"Qualifier" -> "", "WolframVersion" -> "10+", "SystemID" -> All,
"Description" -> "", "Category" -> "", "Creator" -> "",
"Publisher" -> "", "Support" -> "", "Internal" -> False,
"Location" ->
"Context" -> {"MRAALink`"}, "Enabled" -> True, "Loading" -> Manual}
and SystemInformation["Small"]
{"Kernel" -> {"SystemID" -> "Linux-ARM",
"ReleaseID" -> " (2017031701, 2017011701)",
"CreationDate" ->
DateObject[{2017, 1, 17},
TimeObject[{12, 45, 19.}, TimeZone -> 0.], TimeZone -> 0.]},
"FrontEnd" -> {"OperatingSystem" -> "Unix",
"ReleaseID" -> " (2017031701, 2017011701)",
"CreationDate" ->
DateObject[{2017, 1, 17},
TimeObject[{15, 33, 25.}, TimeZone -> 0.], TimeZone -> 0.]}}
Thank you for your help. Please let me know if I can provide more information