Same basic code as To Infinity, but this time with a $(7,3)$ torus knot and simpler lighting. Also, viewed from above rather than from the front.
Stereo3D[{x1_, y1_, x2_, y2_}] := {x1/(1 - y2), y1/(1 - y2), x2/(1 - y2)};
pqtorus[t_, p_, q_] := 1/Sqrt[2] {E^(p I t), E^(q I t)};
With[{viewpoint = {0, 0, 10},
cols = RGBColor /@ {"#EDF2F6", "#494953"}},
Graphics3D[{Sphere[#, .1] & /@
Table[Stereo3D[Flatten[ReIm /@ pqtorus[t + θ, 7, -3]]], {t, 0, 2 Pi, 2 Pi/200}]},
PlotRange -> 3, ViewPoint -> viewpoint,
ViewVertical -> {0, 1, 0}, Boxed -> False,
Background -> cols[[-1]], ImageSize -> 540,
Lighting -> {{"Point", cols[[1]], {0, 0, 1/2}}, {"Ambient", cols[[-1]], viewpoint}}],
{θ, 0, Pi/100}]