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READ FIRST: How to post and use Wolfram Community

Posted 10 years ago
POSTED BY: Moderation Team
6 Replies

Re: Mathematical Notation.

In the Mathematica notebook session: Maybe the easiest way for Mathematica end-users is to right-click on the cell bracket of a 2D-formatted formula and choose "Copy As" "LaTeX" from the context menu.

Back on this forum: we wrap the pasted code by entering "$"-signs as described, whereas on other MathJax-supported forums one must enter "\(" and "\)" for wrapping the pasted code, so that MathJax can start recognizing and interpreting.

Very good to know, thanks raspi!

POSTED BY: Raspi Rascal

"Currently Wolfram Community search is under construction. We strongly recommend using regular web search that will give you excellent results due to advanced SEO that Wolfram Community provides." The construction project seems to have lasted several years. I know there are finite resources, but I think Community would benefit from search within the Community page. Making it a priority would seem consistent with Stephen Wolfram's keynote at the 2020 Tech Conference.

POSTED BY: Seth Chandler

SEARCH has been added to the Wolfram Community. More functionality is coming in the next updates for search -- such as filtering, sorting and more.

POSTED BY: Moderation Team

"File attachments for any format you can find in Wolfram Language Documentation" is not correct. I tried to load a zip file. Zip files are listed. It was rejected as "not supported."

POSTED BY: Isaac Sarver

That is because the .ZIP file might cause security risks. This measure protects you from potential hazardous code. The majority of formats mentioned in Wolfram Language Documentation can be used.

POSTED BY: Moderation Team

Having used both Mathematica.SE (which used this system from the start) and the previous editor on Community, I can say that this is a wonderful improvement!

I just have one suggestion for an improvement: the MarkDown source editor should really use a fixed width font. This is preferable for so many reasons: 1. spaces are very relevant in MarkDown, we need to indent with a specific number of spaces (the number also depending on whether we're in a bullet list) 2. code is always better edited with a fixed-width font (if there is't a complicated auto-formatting environment to help, such as the Mathematica front end)

POSTED BY: Szabolcs Horvát
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