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Will export to STEP ever support Regions?

Posted 8 months ago

For years, Wolfram has claimed that Mathematica supports import and export from all major CAD formats. But, in fact, it has not supported STEP, IGES, or SAT, which are the CAD formats primarily used in mechanical engineering.

I just finished watching the first webinar on what's new in version 14. I was excited to see on one of the slides that STEP format is now supported. This would allow me to design lenses mathematically and transfer them to lens design programs like OpticStudio and Code V. Or mathematically design solids for import into enterprise grade FEA tools like COMSOL.

So I tried this out. I can export simple Mathematica native solids like a Cylinder. But I can't export an ImplicitRegion to STEP. (I can export both to STL, which is a format not suitable for optics.) There is little value in exporting Cylinders -- what is needed it mathematically generated forms.

Are there plans to extend export of STEP format to useful forms?

POSTED BY: David Keith
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