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Having trouble inputting charts

Posted 10 years ago

I am having trouble getting the charts to show up when I input any information. It is probably a language error on my part but I would appreciate the help on how to fix it. Attempted to input Boxwhikerxchart[{ }] and then hit enter to see the data and nothing has been appearing. Went to professor but his suggestions did not work either. Help would be greatly appreciated.

POSTED BY: Arletti Roberts
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Duplicate of (Different replies)

The instructions David recommended are at

You can also attach a *.nb file with inputs and outputs to a post.

POSTED BY: Bruce Miller
Posted 10 years ago

I suggest you read the how to post instructions. You can get to them through the rolling titles at the top. They will tell you how to post real Mathematica code. Then you can post an actual example of what you have tried, and other members can take a look.

Kind regards, David

POSTED BY: David Keith
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