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Can Speak generate a sound primitive?

Posted 9 years ago

There are a lot of interesting sonification capabilities in Mathematica V10. They are generally organized into primitives which can be combined in Sound objects and then played, emitted, or exported. For example, it is easy to generate tones, frequency sweeps, and even music. We can also generate computer speech which is emitted from the host sound system. But . . . I do not find anyway to treat these generated sounds as sound primitives within the context of the general sonification capabilities. This could be cured if Sound[Speak] was understood. It could also be done if the sample list form the Speak output could be obtained, because we could then feed that to SampledSoundList.

Does anyone know how to bring the Speak sounds into the general sound functionality in Mathematica?

POSTED BY: David Keith
3 Replies
Posted 9 years ago

Thanks, Sander. I'm on Win 7 -- but I suspect that is a clue. Perhaps Mathematica is just calling the OS speak function, so it never actually owns the waveform data.

By way of explanation, I was using Mathematica to build a test CD for my stereo. (A bit of fun.) For later processing, I have a track of combined discrete frequencies (chosen in the midpoints of a 6-way crossover ) and also one of white noise. For these I plan on playing the CD and capturing the output with a Yeti microphone, and then processing the result in Mathematica, for example with Periodogram. But for just listening use, I wanted to play the test tones one at a time, each preceded by a voice announcement giving its frequency. So I need to embed a sound primitive which is the voice announcement.

Best, David

POSTED BY: David Keith

Yes. Speak is basically just a utility for calling the OSs speaking utility. So it never owns the waveform as you said.

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke

On Mac OS X you can call the function say (which is what Mathematica does I guess) and give it some more arguments to save it to a file, in the terminal:

 say -o hi.aac 'Hello, World'
POSTED BY: Sander Huisman
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