I am still in the process of understanding the code step by step. So far I doing well but I have a problem after plotting the matrix (which, by the way, looks exactly like in the example). The problem appears with importing the Mathematica file. Please have a look at the screenshot attached to this message.
Screenshoot in my Dropbox
It is almost the last step. If I evaluate the file again, the first error message disappears ("Cannot open....") but I can still not plot the table. Am I doing sth. wrong when importing the Mathematica file? I don't think so....
Hope you can help me. As I sad, my Matrix plot looks like the one from the example, therefore I think this is not the problem.
Best regards,
PS: I posted a similar message in the separated discussion of this topic: Discussion But I think it actually belongs to here, which is why I reposted it. I am really interested in understanding the code and I hope you will have the patience to help me with my problem :-) As I sad, I have the matrix plot already and I think I understand it more or less. But the rest doesn't seem to work for some reasons...