User Portlet
I built my first circuit at age 10 and have been hooked ever since. Now, I’m an entrepreneurial professional with more than twenty years of experience in designing and building electronic circuits and systems for communications, sensors, power, and undersea applications. Prototyping Ideas has become my specialty so I provide electronic prototyping, modeling, analysis, design, research and development, and networking consulting services.
I've been using Mathematica for a couple of years now as an educational tool to help me learn and understand semiconductor and nanodevice physics by creating small mathematical models. The source of the models comes from open source courses from websites like the, journal papers from IEEE, APS, ACS, IOP, AMSE, and MRS, and text books like Introduction to Nanotechnology by V. Mitin.
I'm striving to become an expert Mathematica user and offer this skill as part of my consulting service. I would also like to start integrating Mathematica into my hardware projects. I think it could be an effective way to integrate data from many different and separate systems into a unified status and control system.
In my home, for example, I have a weather monitor with 6 temperature & humidity senses (inside and outside), wind monitor, range gage, a thermostat, and steam heating system. I'd like to add some Arduino and Raspberry Pi based sensors to monitor the heating system radiators and outside environment. Using Mathematica, I could collect all this data together to make a better environmental control system and perhaps save energy. It could be the basis of a smart house.