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Micha Peleg
Micha Peleg
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Affiliation: Professor Emeritus of Food Engineering University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Education: B.Sc. (Chemical Engineering) Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, 1963, M.Sc. (Food Engineering and Biotechnology) Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, 1967, D.Sc. (Food Engineering and Biotechnology) Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, 1971.
Position: Professor of Food Engineering Department of Food Science University of Massachusetts, 1990 to 2015. Retired 2015-present.
Honors and awards: G.W. Scott-Blair Memorial Award of the American Association of cereal Chemists, Listed by ISI as a highly cited researcher, and Member of the International Academy of Food Science and Technology, IFT Research and Development Award (2011).
Teaching areas: Food processing, Unit operations in food engineering.
Research areas: Rheology and texture, glass transition and brittle foods, powder technology, mathematical modeling, microbial populations dynamics, nonlinear kinetics of biological and chemical processes, shelf life, risk assessment, moisture sorption.
Editorial board membership: Journal of Texture Studies (since 1982), Journal of Food Science (l985-l988, 1999-2002), Journal of Food Process Engineering (l987-l990), International Food Science and Technology (since 1996), Journal of Food Properties (Since 1997), Food Engineering Series – Springer Publishing (Since 1998), Journal of Food Protection (2001-2009).
Current membership in Professional Societies: Sigma Xi (President of the UMass Chapter l987/8.
Publication Referee: (Partial list): Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Journal of Texture Studies, Journal of Food Science, Powder Technology, Journal of Food Process Engineering, Food Technology, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, Biotechnology Progress, Journal of Rheology, Rheologica Acta, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal, Food Science and Technology (lwt), Journal of Food Engineering, Food Hydrocolloids, Critical Reviews Food Science & Nutrition, Food Microbiology, Food Research International, Food Science and Technology International, Journal of Materials Science, International Journal of Food Microbiology, Journal of Food Protection, Journal of Applied Microbiology, Letters to Applied Microbiology, Chemical Engineering Science, Trends in Food Science & Technology.
Reviewed research proposals for: NSF, Sea Grant, USDA, Research Canada, International Science Foundation and the National Research Councils of Israel, Argentina and Chile.
Academic programs review panel member: Technion, Israel Institute of Technology – Faculty of Food Engineering and Biotechnology (2001), University of the West Indies – Faculty of Chemical Engineering (2007).
Invited speaker to international conferences and seminars: USA, France, Colombia, Mexico, Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Israel, Venezuela, New Zealand, Argentina, Spain, Costa Rica, Canada, Chile, Thailand, Ireland, Brazil, Uruguay.