User Portlet
Hello! I am currently in the eleventh grade of Mihály Fazekas High School (Budapesti Fazekas Mihály Gyakorló Általános Iskola és Gimnázium). I have a strong passion for mathematics and physics, and I am also attracted by the beauty in various other fields.
My interests cover a wide range, so I have attended several courses at the Milestone Institute from really different fields. Some of the subjects I have been introduced to include:
Neuroscience, Cinematography, Economics, Programming and 3D printing
Last autumn, I had the opportunity to learn about Wolfram Alpha and Mathematica in the Data Science course. Although I have only scratched the surface of the basic concepts, I am already fascinated by the potential of Data Science.
In my spare time, I enjoy learning about psychology and have recently become interested in 3D printing. It was really rewarding when I designed and printed a battle bot with my friends in the Engineering Society this summer. :)