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Fernando Olivie Méndez Méndez
Fernando Olivie Méndez Méndez
LOCATION: Mexico City
WEBSITE: Not indicated
BLOG: Not indicated
Employment Collaboration Consulting Volunteering Mentorships

Currently, I am a Master of Science student in Mathematics at the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (Cinvestav). During my undergraduate studies, I focused my training on Lie Theory and its interrelation with symbolic computing. My bachelor's thesis dealt with Frobenius and contact Lie algebras and was published in the journal Communications in Algebra in February 2023; this work also earned me the Sotero Prieto Award of the Mexican Mathematical Society in October 2023. ​ ​ ​ After my undergraduate studies, I joined the Department of Mathematics at Cinvestav, one of the main mathematical research centers in Latin America in the fields of Algebraic Topology, Commutative Algebra, and Operator Theory. In December 2023, I switched my research to Commutative Algebra. Since then, I have been working on monomial ideals and their relationship with graph theory and algorithmic programming.