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Limit the number of digits in expressions used for CForm?

Posted 8 years ago

Wolfram Community,

I have some expressions with floating point numbers. Ultimately I need them in CForm but I am having difficulty in getting the numbers to format correctly. (It seems easy but it is not).

I need to limit the number of significant digits -- I can't have more than 14 digits in my numbers. I tried:

numberReformat[exp_]:= MapAt[Round[#,N[1*^-8]]&,exp,Position[exp,_Real]]

This picks off all the real numbers in an expression and rounds all of the real numbers to 8 decimal places past the decimal, Numbers such as 1234.123456789012345

numberReformat[1234.123456789012345] // CForm

will round to 1234.12345679

This fails to work beyond 10 decimal places -- it limits everything to 10 places. for example:

 numberReformat[exp_]:= MapAt[Round[#,N[1*^-14]]&,exp,Position[exp,_Real]]

still limits to 10 decimal places even thought it is set to 14.

The second problem is that numbers with exponents will have too many digits:

numberReformat[9.123456789012345*^12] // CForm



Which has too many digits (e12 part is fine but there are 17 digits in the number.

I also tried NumberForm but this seems incompatible with CForm:

NumberForm[9.123456789012345*^12, 14] 

produces what I want:


but when I apply CForm to the expression it becomes


instead of the number.

Does anyone have a simple way to round numbers to say 12 or 14 significant digits (similar to NumberForm) for numbers mixed in a mathematical expression so that when it converts to CForm it stays that way?

Thank you.

POSTED BY: Neil Singer

I answered my own question in response to this other post. The PaddedForm in that post can be changed to NumberForm to answer this question.

answer posted here

POSTED BY: Neil Singer
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