Hello everyone, I am doing the following experiment with triangles, the idea is the following, we take a triangle in space, for example the triangle with points A (0,0,0), B (0,60,0), C (80,0,0) then we look for the largest angle of said triangle, after analyze the angles of the triangle we see that the larger angle is what is at the point {0,0,0,}, subsequently we construct a straight line to the midpoint of the opposite side to the point {0,0,0}, finally we estimate the midpoints of the sides adjacent to the point {0,0,0} and the join by a straight line to the midpoint of the opposite side that we calculated above.
The way I have done it is the following, but the problem is that I do not understand why I have empty spaces between divided triangles as seen in the following image

I hope someone can help me find the fault,I do not think there should be such holes. Please see the notebook add.
Greetings to all.