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Calculate the laplace inverse transform of hyperbolic sinus?

Hallo, Would someone help me wiht the solution of this inverse, please ? Scabral

POSTED BY: Sergio Cabral
3 Replies

Maybe you can try a numeric inverse Laplace Transform.. Symbolic solution maybe not possible.

POSTED BY: Mariusz Iwaniuk

Thank you, Mariusz ! You are right ! I will go after this way. Gonna check the nb file you provided. thx a lot !

POSTED BY: Sergio Cabral

This inverse gives the distribution of the voltage in time and along the length of a homogeneuous and continuous winding after being hit by a step voltage at x =0. It is solidly grounded at x = l . I have strong evidences that the solution includes an infinite series.

POSTED BY: Sergio Cabral
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