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Deploy Packages to Cloud or with notebook?

Eric Smith
Anonymous User
Posted 8 years ago

What's the easiest way to deploy packages with a notebook?

I hate sending someone a notebook with <<MyPackage because if they haven't installed my package (put it in their path) the notebook is useless. Is there a good way to bundle the package with the notebook or cloud deploy the package and reference it somehow in my notebook? I have not become proficient at cloud deploying and have had little success with the documentation. Thanks.

POSTED BY: Eric Smith
3 Replies

If you copy the package to the cloud as well and give it appropriate permissions (either by making it Public or using PermissionsGroups or individual access via the Access GUI or ...) include the following in your cloud notebook instead of <<MyPackage`:


(you can also give the full URI if there might be doubt about what $CloudBase will get used when the file is downloaded -- this will work on desktop as well)

As long as the user you've shared the notebook with has permissions to the package CloudObject, they will be able to use the code.

POSTED BY: Gerli Jõgeva

Sorry, I'm having some problems with consolidating accounts to one. I need to delete the previous post somehow. This is from my approved Wolfram account:

Thanks for the response Gerli.

I made the package public, but I can't execute the command without being prompted to sign into the Wolfram Cloud. It would be nice to avoid this step for people who might not have an account, but perhaps this is a current limitation of the Wolfram Cloud?

And presumably a free account can access it? I have a paid account.

POSTED BY: Eric Smith

A free account should be able to access it, yes, but not sure if it will use any credits from the free account.

POSTED BY: Gerli Jõgeva
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