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Avoid errors in StreamDensityPlot and StreamPlot/DensityPlot?

Posted 8 years ago

I am trying to plot the electric field intensity and vector directionality of a simple line charge. I tried plotting with StreamDensityPlot, however, the intensity (that is, the density component of the StreamDensityPlot) comes back as single color, while the stream lines are faint and difficult to see. I have tried changing the color of the density map and the streamlines but nothing changes the fact that the density plot comes back as a single uniform color. Is this a glitch with StreamDensityPlot?

Here is the code that generates the electric field of the line charge:


(* Constants *)

qe = 1.6023*(10^-19)  (* [C] *);

hbar = 1.055*(10^-34)  (* [J s] *);

me = 9.109*(10^-31)  (* [J s^2 m^-2] *);

\[Epsilon]0 = 8.854*(10^-12)  (* [C V^-1] *);

ke = (4*\[Pi]*\[Epsilon]0)^-1  (* [V C^-1] *);

(* Electric Fields: Theory *)

Fprimex[x_, y_, z_, \[Lambda]_, L_] = 
  ke*(x*\[Lambda])/(x^2 + y^2 + (z - zprime)^2)^(3/2);

Fprimey[x_, y_, z_, \[Lambda]_, L_] = 
  ke*(y*\[Lambda])/(x^2 + y^2 + (z - zprime)^2)^(3/2);

Fprimez[x_, y_, z_, \[Lambda]_, L_] = 
  ke*((z - zprime)*\[Lambda])/(x^2 + y^2 + (z - zprime)^2)^(3/2);

Fx[x_, y_, z_, \[Lambda]_, L_] = Integrate[
   Fprimex[x, y, z, \[Lambda], L],
   {zprime, -(L/2), L/2},
   Assumptions -> {
     -(L/2) <= zprime <= L/2,
     \[Epsilon] > 0,
     L > 0,
     x \[Element] Reals,
     y \[Element] Reals,
     z > Abs[L/2],
     \[Lambda] \[Element] Reals

Fy[x_, y_, z_, \[Lambda]_, L_] = Integrate[
   Fprimey[x, y, z, \[Lambda], L],
   {zprime, -(L/2), L/2},
   Assumptions -> {
     -(L/2) <= zprime <= L/2,
     \[Epsilon] > 0,
     L > 0,
     x \[Element] Reals,
     y \[Element] Reals,
     z > Abs[L/2],
     \[Lambda] \[Element] Reals

Fz[x_, y_, z_, \[Lambda]_, L_] = Integrate[
   Fprimez[x, y, z, \[Lambda], L],
   {zprime, -(L/2), L/2},
   Assumptions -> {
     -(L/2) <= zprime <= L/2,
     \[Epsilon] > 0,
     L > 0,
     x \[Element] Reals,
     y \[Element] Reals,
     z > Abs[L/2],
     \[Lambda] \[Element] Reals

(* Longitudinal Electric Field *)

Ez[\[Rho]_, z_, \[Lambda]_, L_] = 
   Fz[x, y, z, \[Lambda], L] /. {  x -> \[Rho]*Cos[\[Phi]], 
     y -> \[Rho]*Sin[\[Phi]]  }  ];

(* Radial Electric Field *)

E\[Rho][\[Rho]_, z_, \[Lambda]_, L_] = 
   Sqrt[Fx[x, y, z, \[Lambda], L]^2 + Fy[x, y, z, \[Lambda], L]^2] /. {  
     x -> \[Rho]*Cos[\[Phi]], y -> \[Rho]*Sin[\[Phi]]  }  ];

Here is the StreamDensityPlot code:



  (* Probabilities *)

    Evaluate[  E\[Rho][\[Rho], z, \[Lambda], L]  ], 
    Evaluate[  Ez[\[Rho], z, \[Lambda], L]  ]
   {  \[Rho], 10^-12, R  },
   {  z, -Z, Z  },

   PlotRange -> {  {-R, R}, {-Z, Z}  },
   ImageSize -> Large,
   Frame -> True,
   FrameLabel -> {  
     Style["Radial Position [cm]", 20, FontFamily -> "Times"], 
     Style["Longitudinal Position [cm]", 20, FontFamily -> "Times"]  },
   BaseStyle -> {FontFamily -> "Times", FontSize -> 20},
   AxesOrigin -> {0, 0},
   Axes -> True,
   PerformanceGoal -> "Quality",
   ColorFunction -> "TemperatureMap",
   StreamColorFunction -> Directive[  RGBColor[1, 1, 1]  ],
   MaxRecursion -> 4
    -E\[Rho][\[Rho], z, \[Lambda], L], Ez[\[Rho], z, \[Lambda], L]
   {  \[Rho], -R, -10^-12  },
   {  z, -Z, Z  },

   PlotRange -> {  {-R, -10^-12}, {-Z, Z}  },
   ColorFunction -> "TemperatureMap"

     RGBColor[1, 0, 0],
     Line[{{0, -L/2}, {0, L/2}}]

    (* Graphics *)}]

  (* Show *)],
 (* Function Parameters *)
 Style["Linear Charge Density", Bold, 12, FontFamily -> "Times"],
 {{\[Lambda], 5*10^-9, 
   Style["\[Lambda] [\!\(\*FractionBox[\(C\), \(cm\)]\)]", 
    FontSize -> 16, FontFamily -> "Times"]}, 0.1*10^-9, 10*10^-9, 
  0.1*10^-9, ControlType -> {Slider, PopupMenu}, ImageSize -> Medium, 
  Appearance -> "Labeled"},
 Style["Charge Length", Bold, FontSize -> 14, FontFamily -> "Times"],
 {{L, 1, Style["L [cm]", FontSize -> 16, FontFamily -> "Times"]}, 0.1,
   100, ControlType -> {Slider, PopupMenu}, ImageSize -> Medium, 
  Appearance -> "Labeled"  },
 (* Axes *)
 {{R, 1, Style["\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(\[Rho]\), \(max\)]\)", 
    FontSize -> 16, FontFamily -> "Times"]}, 0.000001, 2, 
  ControlType -> {Slider, PopupMenu}, ImageSize -> Medium, 
  Appearance -> "Labeled"  },
 {{Z, 1, Style["\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(z\), \(max\)]\)", FontSize -> 16,
     FontFamily -> "Times"]}, 0.000001, 2, 
  ControlType -> {Slider, PopupMenu}, ImageSize -> Medium, 
  Appearance -> "Labeled"  },

 ControlPlacement -> Left,
 SaveDefinitions -> False,
 TrackedSymbols :> {\[Lambda], L, R, Z}

 (* Manipulate *)]

One work-around I've noticed somewhat works is to use DensityPlot and StreamPlot separately, connected with Show[]. However, this also produces a gltich. While the density plot shows contours now, there is a large white area near the line charge that cannot be plotted. I have tried adjusting EVERYTHING in the DensityPlot but nothing gets rid of the white blob in the center of the plot.

Show[ DensityPlot[], StreamPlot[] ] code here:



(* Probabilities *)

{  \[Rho], -R, R  },
{  z, -Z, Z  },

PlotRange -> {  {-R, R}, {-Z, Z}  },
ImageSize -> Large,
Frame -> True,
FrameLabel -> {  
Style["Radial Position [cm]", 20, FontFamily -> "Times"], 
Style["Longitudinal Position [cm]", 20, FontFamily -> "Times"]  },
BaseStyle -> {FontFamily -> "Times", FontSize -> 20},
AxesOrigin -> {0, 0},
Axes -> True

E\[Rho][\[Rho], z, \[Lambda], L], Ez[\[Rho], z, \[Lambda], L]
{  \[Rho], 10^-12, R  },
{  z, -Z, Z  },

PlotRange -> {  {10^-12, R}, {-Z, Z}  },
PlotLegends ->
LegendLabel -> 
Style["Electric Field [V \!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(cm\), \
\(-1\)]\)]", 20, FontFamily -> "Times"],
LabelStyle -> {FontSize -> 20},
TicksStyle -> {FontFamily -> "Times"}
ColorFunction -> "TemperatureMap"
E\[Rho][\[Rho], z, \[Lambda], L], Ez[\[Rho], z, \[Lambda], L]
{  \[Rho], 10^-12, R  },
{  z, -Z, Z  },

PlotRange -> {  {10^-12, R}, {-Z, Z}  },
(* StreamPoints\[Rule]20, *)

StreamStyle -> 
Directive[RGBColor[0, 0, 0], AbsoluteThickness[1], Dashed, 
E\[Rho][\[Rho], z, \[Lambda], L], Ez[\[Rho], z, \[Lambda], L]
{  \[Rho], -R, -10^-12  },
{  z, -Z, Z  },

PlotRange -> {  {-R, -10^-12}, {-Z, Z}  },
ColorFunction -> "TemperatureMap"
-E\[Rho][\[Rho], z, \[Lambda], L], Ez[\[Rho], z, \[Lambda], L]
{  \[Rho], -R, -10^-12  },
{  z, -Z, Z  },

PlotRange -> {  {-R, -10^-12}, {-Z, Z}  },
(* StreamPoints\[Rule]20, *)

StreamStyle -> 
Directive[RGBColor[0, 0, 0], AbsoluteThickness[1], Dashed, 
(* ColorFunction\[Rule]"" *)


RGBColor[1, 0, 0],
Line[{{0, -L/2}, {0, L/2}}]

(* Graphics *)}]

(* Show *)],
(* Function Parameters *)
Style["Linear Charge Density", Bold, 12, FontFamily -> "Times"],
{{\[Lambda], 5*10^-9, 
Style["\[Lambda] [\!\(\*FractionBox[\(C\), \(cm\)]\)]", 
FontSize -> 16, FontFamily -> "Times"]}, 0.1*10^-9, 10*10^-9, 
0.1*10^-9, ControlType -> {Slider, PopupMenu}, ImageSize -> Medium, 
Appearance -> "Labeled"},
Style["Charge Length", Bold, FontSize -> 14, FontFamily -> "Times"],
{{L, 1, Style["L [cm]", FontSize -> 16, FontFamily -> "Times"]}, 0.1,
100, ControlType -> {Slider, PopupMenu}, ImageSize -> Medium, 
Appearance -> "Labeled"  },
(* Axes *)
{{R, 1, Style["\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(\[Rho]\), \(max\)]\)", 
FontSize -> 16, FontFamily -> "Times"]}, 0.000001, 2, 
ControlType -> {Slider, PopupMenu}, ImageSize -> Medium, 
Appearance -> "Labeled"  },
{{Z, 1, Style["\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(z\), \(max\)]\)", FontSize -> 16,
FontFamily -> "Times"]}, 0.000001, 2, 
ControlType -> {Slider, PopupMenu}, ImageSize -> Medium, 
Appearance -> "Labeled"  },

ControlPlacement -> Left,
SaveDefinitions -> False,
TrackedSymbols :> {\[Lambda], L, R, Z}

(* Manipulate *)]

Does anyone have ANY experience using StreamDensityPlot or DensityPlot with StreamPlot? I cannot figure out why neither one of them is working.

  • Tim
POSTED BY: Tim Kirkpatrick
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