I had to remove
$log(2)$ from the denominator from equation and I must to replace the expression
$Eb/N0$ with
$10^{\text{Eb/N0}/10}$ in order for the plot to be correct .
Int2[R_?NumericQ, ebNo_?NumericQ] := NIntegrate[Exp[-1/2*(y - Sqrt[2*ebNo*R])^2]
Log[2, Exp[-2*Sqrt[2*ebNo*R]*y] + 1], {y, -Infinity, Infinity}, Method -> "LobattoKronrodRule"];
ContourPlot[R == 1 - Int2[R, 10^(ebNo/10)]/Sqrt[2*Pi], {R, 0.001, 1}, {ebNo, -2, 10}, Axes -> True,
GridLines -> {Table[n, {n, 0, 1, 0.1}], Table[n, {n, -2, 10, 2}]}, ContourStyle -> {Black, Thick},
FrameTicks -> {{All, None}, {Table[n, {n, 0, 1, 0.1}], None}}, FrameLabel -> {"R", "Eb/N0"}]
Have a nice day :)