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[WSC17] Make a Website to Create and E-mail Custom Graph Paper

Posted 8 years ago

A (very) Brief Introduction...

Simply (literally): these sites allow users to create and email custom graphing paper from available graph types. Options include range/size, style, & colour.

This post will go over the steps gone through to make these websites from creating the individual graphs to putting them on websites.

Coordinate Grid:

First Objective: Making the Basic Graph with Axis

Using PlotRange, I began by creating a grid with x & y ranges of -5 to 5 and -6 to 6 called "graph" (No axes shown):

Here, the gridlines are placed at intervals of 1

graph = Graphics[{}, PlotRange -> {{-5, 5}, {-6, 6}}, 
     GridLines -> {Range[-5, 5, 1], Range[-6, 6, 1]}]

To change the aspect ratio of the overall graph (depending on desired size of graph) added: AspectRatio-> ___

graph = Graphics[{}, PlotRange -> {{-5, 5}, {-6, 6}}, 
     GridLines -> {Range[-5, 5, 1], Range[-6, 6, 1]}, AspectRatio -> 6/5]

Added an axes and to change the interval of ticks: Axes->___ & Ticks->{_,_}

   graph = Graphics[{}, PlotRange -> {{-5, 5}, {-6, 6}}, 
         GridLines -> {Range[-5, 5, 1], Range[-6, 6, 1]},  AspectRatio -> 6/5, Axes -> True,Ticks -> {Range[-5, 5, 1], Range[-6, 6, 1]}]     

Since this will eventually be customizable on a website, I used FormPage for user input and called it "square". Stand-in values were replaced and input labels and default inputs were also placed:

  square = FormPage[{"xi" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
        "Label" -> "x-min value:", "Input" -> -5|>,
      "xa" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", "Label" -> "x-max value:", 
        "Input" -> 5|>,
      "yi" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", "Label" -> "y-min value:", 
        "Input" -> -5|>,
      "ya" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", "Label" -> "y-max value:", 
        "Input" -> 5|>,
      "xt" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
        "Label" -> "x-axis tick frequency:", "Input" -> 1|>,
      "yt" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
        "Label" -> "y-axis tick frequency:", "Input" -> 1|>,
      "fx" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
        "Label" -> "x-axis gridline frequency:", "Input" -> 1|>,
      "fy" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
        "Label" -> "y-axis gridline frequency:", "Input" -> 1|>, 
      "axes" -> {True, False},
      "ar" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
        "Label" -> "overall aspect ratio:", "Input" -> 1|>}, {graph = 
        Graphics[{}, PlotRange -> {{#xi, #xa}, {#yi, #ya}}, 
         GridLines -> {Range[#xi, #xa, #fx], Range[#yi, #ya, #fy]}, 
         AspectRatio -> #ar, Axes -> #axes, 
         Ticks -> {Range[#xi, #xa, #xt], Range[#yi, #ya, #yt]}]} &]

That's all I wanted for the main graph body so... onto visuals:

Adding colours and styles to vertical and horizontal lines as well as axes colour with GridLinesStyle , Background, & AxesStyle

Stand-in colours/styles are placed for now:

  square = FormPage[{"xi" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
        "Label" -> "x-min value:", "Input" -> -5|>,
      "xa" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", "Label" -> "x-max value:", 
        "Input" -> 5|>,
      "yi" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", "Label" -> "y-min value:", 
        "Input" -> -5|>,
      "ya" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", "Label" -> "y-max value:", 
        "Input" -> 5|>,
      "xt" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
        "Label" -> "x-axis tick frequency:", "Input" -> 1|>,
      "yt" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
        "Label" -> "y-axis tick frequency:", "Input" -> 1|>,
      "fx" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
        "Label" -> "x-axis gridline frequency:", "Input" -> 1|>,
      "fy" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
        "Label" -> "y-axis gridline frequency:", "Input" -> 1|>, 
      "axes" -> {True, False},
      "ar" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
        "Label" -> "overall aspect ratio:", "Input" -> 1|>}, {graph = 
        Graphics[{}, PlotRange -> {{#xi, #xa}, {#yi, #ya}}, 
         GridLines -> {Range[#xi, #xa, #fx], Range[#yi, #ya, #fy]}, 
         AspectRatio -> #ar, Axes -> #axes, 
         Ticks -> {Range[#xi, #xa, #xt], Range[#yi, #ya, #yt]}, 
         GridLinesStyle -> {Directive[Red, Dashed], 
           Directive[Blue, Dotted]}, Background -> White, 
         AxesStyle -> Green]} &]

To allow user input ("Null" means regular line); again, with default settings:

   square = FormPage[{"xi" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
        "Label" -> "x-min value:", "Input" -> -5|>,
      "xa" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", "Label" -> "x-max value:", 
        "Input" -> 5|>,
      "yi" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", "Label" -> "y-min value:", 
        "Input" -> -5|>,
      "ya" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", "Label" -> "y-max value:", 
        "Input" -> 5|>,
      "xt" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
        "Label" -> "x-axis tick frequency:", "Input" -> 1|>,
      "yt" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
        "Label" -> "y-axis tick frequency:", "Input" -> 1|>,
      "fx" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
        "Label" -> "x-axis gridline frequency:", "Input" -> 1|>,
      "fy" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
        "Label" -> "y-axis gridline frequency:", "Input" -> 1|>, 
      "axes" -> {True, False},
      "ar" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
        "Label" -> "overall aspect ratio:", "Input" -> 1|>, 
      "c1" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Color", 
        "Label" -> "Horizontal lines colour:", "Default" -> Black|>, 
      "c2" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Color", 
        "Label" -> "Vertical lines colour:", "Default" -> Black|>, 
      "c3" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Color", 
        "Label" -> "Axis & Number colour:", "Default" -> Black|>,
        "horizontalLineStyle" -> {"Null" -> Null, "Dotted" -> Dotted, 
        "Dashed" -> Dashed, "Thick" -> Thick}, 
      "verticalLineStyle" -> {"Null" -> Null, "Dotted" -> Dotted, 
        "Dashed" -> Dashed, "Thick" -> Thick}}, {graph = 
        Graphics[{}, PlotRange -> {{#xi, #xa}, {#yi, #ya}}, 
         GridLines -> {Range[#xi, #xa, #fx], Range[#yi, #ya, #fy]}, 
         AspectRatio -> #ar, Axes -> #axes, 
         Ticks -> {Range[#xi, #xa, #xt], Range[#yi, #ya, #yt]}, 
         GridLinesStyle -> {Directive[#c2, #verticalLineStyle], 
           Directive[#c1, #horizontalLineStyle]}, Background -> White, 
         AxesStyle -> #c3]} &]

Polar Plot

Similar style to that of the coordinate grid replacing Plot with PolarPlot. On the other hand, made PolarGridLines with and alternating colors/styles option.

Here, the radius (number of circles) is 5 and pi is divided into 6 sections each. Also made the plot with Opacity zero in order to hide the plot and keep the grid. Named the plot "cgraph"

cgraph = PolarPlot[{2*(5 + 1)/3}, {t, 0, 2 Pi}, 
  PlotStyle -> Opacity[0], 
  PolarGridLines -> {Drop[Table[i, {i, 0, 2 Pi, Pi/6}], -1], 
    Block[{j = 0}, 
      If[EvenQ[j], {i, {Null}}, {i, {Null}}], {i, 

Adding a PolarAxes and PolarTicks:

cgraph = PolarPlot[{2*(5 + 1)/3}, {t, 0, 2 Pi}, 
  PolarAxes -> Automatic, PlotStyle -> Opacity[0], 
  PolarTicks -> {"Degrees", Automatic}, , 
  PolarGridLines -> {Drop[Table[i, {i, 0, 2 Pi, Pi/6}], -1], 
    Block[{j = 0}, 
      If[EvenQ[j], {i, {Purple, Dashed}}, {i, {Green, Dotted}}], {i, 

Then finishing with visuals and user input, like for the coordinate grid, and called "circleya":

circleya = 
 FormPage[{"r" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", "Label" -> "Radius: ", 
     "Input" -> 6|>, 
   "everygridline" -> {"Null" -> Null, "Dotted" -> Dotted, 
     "Dashed" -> Dashed, "Thick" -> Thick}, 
   "tLineStyle" -> {"Null" -> Null, "Dotted" -> Dotted, 
     "Dashed" -> Dashed, "Thick" -> Thick}, 
   "fLineStyle" -> {"Null" -> Null, "Dotted" -> Dotted, 
     "Dashed" -> Dashed, "Thick" -> Thick}, 
   "axesLabel" -> {"Degrees", "Radians"}, 
   "a" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Integer", 
     "Label" -> "Gridline angle in  Pi/", "Input" -> 12|>, 
   "axes" -> {Automatic, False}, 
   "s" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Integer", "Label" -> "Tick label size", 
     "Input" -> 10|>, , 
   "c1" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Color", 
     "Label" -> "Some circles colour:", "Default" -> Black|>, 
   "c2" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Color", 
     "Label" -> "Remaining circles colour:", "Default" -> Black|>, 
   "c3" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Color", 
     "Label" -> "Shooting out lines colour:", "Default" -> Black|>, 
   "c4" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Color", 
     "Label" -> "Axis & Numbers colour:", "Default" -> Black|>},
  {cgraph = 
     PolarPlot[{2*(#r + 1)/3}, {t, 0, 2 Pi}, PolarAxes -> #axes, 
      Background -> None, PlotStyle -> Opacity[0], PolarTicks -> {#axesLabel, Automatic}, 
      TicksStyle -> Directive[#c4, #s], 
      PolarGridLines -> {Drop[Table[i, {i, 0, 2 Pi, Pi/#a}], -1], 
        Block[{j = 0}, 
            j], {i, {#c1, #tLineStyle}}, {i, {#c2, #fLineStyle}}], \
{i, #r}]]}, Axes -> False, 
      GridLinesStyle -> {#c3, #everygridline}]} &]

Adding Email Input Option:

Adding "sendEmail" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "EmailAddress", "Label" -> "Send to your email?:", "Required" -> False |> to the formspec (first argument),

and (Module[{func},If[Not[MissingQ[#sendEmail]], SendMail[<|"To" -> #sendEmail, "Subject" -> "YOUR GRAPH PAPER YAY!", "Body" -> Rasterize[cgraph]|>]]; cgraph])]& to the next:


square = FormPage[{"xi" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
     "Label" -> "x-min value:", "Input" -> -5|>, 
   "xa" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", "Label" -> "x-max value:", 
     "Input" -> 5|>, 
   "yi" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", "Label" -> "y-min value:", 
     "Input" -> -5|>, 
   "ya" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", "Label" -> "y-max value:", 
     "Input" -> 5|>, 
   "xt" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
     "Label" -> "x-axis tick frequency:", "Input" -> 1|>, 
   "yt" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
     "Label" -> "y-axis tick frequency:", "Input" -> 1|>, 
   "fx" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
     "Label" -> "x-axis gridline frequency:", "Input" -> 1|>, 
   "fy" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
     "Label" -> "y-axis gridline frequency:", "Input" -> 1|>, 
   "axes" -> {True, False}, 
   "ar" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
     "Label" -> "overall aspect ratio:", "Input" -> 1|>, 
   "c1" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Color", 
     "Label" -> "Horizontal lines colour:", "Default" -> Black|>, 
   "c2" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Color", 
     "Label" -> "Vertical lines colour:", "Default" -> Black|>, 
   "c3" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Color", 
     "Label" -> "Axis & Number colour:", "Default" -> Black|>, 
   "horizontalLineStyle" -> {"Null" -> Null, "Dotted" -> Dotted, 
     "Dashed" -> Dashed, "Thick" -> Thick}, 
   "verticalLineStyle" -> {"Null" -> Null, "Dotted" -> Dotted, 
     "Dashed" -> Dashed, "Thick" -> Thick}, 
   "sendEmail" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "EmailAddress", 
     "Label" -> "Send to your email?:", "Required" -> False |>}, 
  Module[{graph = 
      Graphics[{}, PlotRange -> {{#xi, #xa}, {#yi, #ya}}, 
       GridLines -> {Range[#xi, #xa, #fx], Range[#yi, #ya, #fy]}, 
       AspectRatio -> #ar, Axes -> #axes, 
       Ticks -> {Range[#xi, #xa, #xt], Range[#yi, #ya, #yt]}, 
       GridLinesStyle -> {Directive[#c2, #verticalLineStyle], 
         Directive[#c1, #horizontalLineStyle]}, Background -> White, 
       AxesStyle -> #c3]}, 
     SendMail[<|"To" -> #sendEmail, 
        "Subject" -> "YOUR GRAPH PAPER YAY!", 
        "Body" -> Rasterize[graph]|>] &]; graph] &]

Did same for Polar. Final graph codes will be shown somewhere below.

Now onto creating a website with CloudDeploy

Created a page for each graph type:

cdSquare = 
 CloudDeploy[square, CloudObject["user:jchoi096/sgraphPaper"]]
cdCircleYa = 
 CloudDeploy[circleya, CloudObject["user:jchoi096/cPolarPaper"]]

Now, I wanted to add titles to the graph pages (at end of each graph code):

AppearanceRules -> <|"Title" -> "Custom Coordinate Grid Creater:",


AppearanceRules -> <|"Title" -> "Custom Polar Graph Creater:",

Additionally, I wanted to slightly change the appearances of the pages to distinguish between them better, such as:

PageTheme -> "Black"

Or Red, or White



Created a separate main graph selection page:

typeChooser = 
  FormFunction[{"Graph" -> {"Coordinate Grid", "Polar"}}, 
   Switch[#Graph, "Polar", HTTPRedirect[cdCircleYa], 
     "Coordinate Grid", HTTPRedirect[cdSquare]] &, 
   AppearanceRules -> <|"Title" -> "Custom Graph Creater:", 
     "Description" -> "Select a graph type and press submit"|>, 
   PageTheme -> "Blue"]; 
CloudDeploy[typeChooser, CloudObject["user:jchoi096/graphPaper"]]

I wanted to be able to go back to the main page from the graph pages so a Hyperlink was added to finish off each graph code:

"Description" -> 
  Hyperlink["Click to go back to graph type selector", 

Final code for graphs:


square = FormPage[{"xi" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
     "Label" -> "x-min value:", "Input" -> -5|>, 
   "xa" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", "Label" -> "x-max value:", 
     "Input" -> 5|>, 
   "yi" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", "Label" -> "y-min value:", 
     "Input" -> -5|>, 
   "ya" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", "Label" -> "y-max value:", 
     "Input" -> 5|>, 
   "xt" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
     "Label" -> "x-axis tick frequency:", "Input" -> 1|>, 
   "yt" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
     "Label" -> "y-axis tick frequency:", "Input" -> 1|>, 
   "fx" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
     "Label" -> "x-axis gridline frequency:", "Input" -> 1|>, 
   "fy" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
     "Label" -> "y-axis gridline frequency:", "Input" -> 1|>, 
   "axes" -> {True, False}, 
   "ar" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", 
     "Label" -> "overall aspect ratio:", "Input" -> 1|>, 
   "c1" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Color", 
     "Label" -> "Horizontal lines colour:", "Default" -> Black|>, 
   "c2" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Color", 
     "Label" -> "Vertical lines colour:", "Default" -> Black|>, 
   "c3" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Color", 
     "Label" -> "Axis & Number colour:", "Default" -> Black|>, 
   "horizontalLineStyle" -> {"Null" -> Null, "Dotted" -> Dotted, 
     "Dashed" -> Dashed, "Thick" -> Thick}, 
   "verticalLineStyle" -> {"Null" -> Null, "Dotted" -> Dotted, 
     "Dashed" -> Dashed, "Thick" -> Thick}, 
   "sendEmail" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "EmailAddress", 
     "Label" -> "Send to your email?:", "Required" -> False|>}, 
  Module[{graph = 
      Graphics[{}, PlotRange -> {{#xi, #xa}, {#yi, #ya}}, 
       GridLines -> {Range[#xi, #xa, #fx], Range[#yi, #ya, #fy]}, 
       AspectRatio -> #ar, Axes -> #axes, 
       Ticks -> {Range[#xi, #xa, #xt], Range[#yi, #ya, #yt]}, 
       GridLinesStyle -> {Directive[#c2, #verticalLineStyle], 
         Directive[#c1, #horizontalLineStyle]}, Background -> White, 
       AxesStyle -> #c3]}, 
     SendMail[<|"To" -> #sendEmail, 
        "Subject" -> "YOUR GRAPH PAPER YAY!", 
        "Body" -> Rasterize[graph]|>] &]; graph] &, 
  AppearanceRules -> <|"Title" -> "Custom Coordinate Grid Creater:", 
    "Description" -> 
     Hyperlink["Click to go back to graph type selector", 
  PageTheme -> "White"]


circleya = 
 FormPage[{"r" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Real", "Label" -> "Radius: ", 
     "Input" -> 6|>, 
   "everygridline" -> {"Null" -> Null, "Dotted" -> Dotted, 
     "Dashed" -> Dashed, "Thick" -> Thick}, 
   "tLineStyle" -> {"Null" -> Null, "Dotted" -> Dotted, 
     "Dashed" -> Dashed, "Thick" -> Thick}, 
   "fLineStyle" -> {"Null" -> Null, "Dotted" -> Dotted, 
     "Dashed" -> Dashed, "Thick" -> Thick}, 
   "axesLabel" -> {"Degrees", "Radians"}, 
   "a" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Integer", 
     "Label" -> "Gridline angle in  Pi/", "Input" -> 12|>, 
   "axes" -> {Automatic, False}, 
   "s" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Integer", "Label" -> "Tick label size", 
     "Input" -> 10|>, , 
   "c1" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Color", 
     "Label" -> "Some circles colour:", "Default" -> Black|>, 
   "c2" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Color", 
     "Label" -> "Remaining circles colour:", "Default" -> Black|>, 
   "c3" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Color", 
     "Label" -> "Shooting out lines colour:", "Default" -> Black|>, 
   "c4" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "Color", 
     "Label" -> "Axis & Numbers colour:", "Default" -> Black|>, 
   "sendEmail" -> <|"Interpreter" -> "EmailAddress", 
     "Label" -> "Send to your email?:", 
     "Required" -> 
      False |>}, (Module[{cgraph = 
       PolarPlot[{2*(#r + 1)/3}, {t, 0, 2 Pi}, PolarAxes -> #axes, 
        Background -> None, PlotStyle -> Opacity[0], 
        PolarTicks -> {#axesLabel, Automatic}, 
        TicksStyle -> Directive[#c4, #s], 
        PolarGridLines -> {Drop[Table[i, {i, 0, 2 Pi, Pi/#a}], -1], 
          Block[{j = 0}, Table[j++;

              j], {i, {#c1, #tLineStyle}}, {i, {#c2, #fLineStyle}}], \
{i, #r}]]}, Axes -> False, GridLinesStyle -> {#c3, #everygridline}]}, 
      SendMail[<|"To" -> #sendEmail, 
        "Subject" -> "YOUR GRAPH PAPER YAY!", 
        "Body" -> Rasterize[cgraph]|>]]; cgraph]) &, 
  AppearanceRules -> <|"Title" -> "Custom Polar Graph Creater:", 
    "Description" -> 
     Hyperlink["Click to go back to graph type selector", 
  PageTheme -> "Black"]

Website End Results and Outputs

Directory Page:

enter image description here


enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here


enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

Here's a link to the directory page (is probably not accessible though :| ) :

If I went further?

Would add more graph types to select from.

Additionally, the code was created with the big help of mentor Andrea.

POSTED BY: Jean Choi
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