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[?] Avoid XLSX import failure on first row in small file?

Posted 8 years ago


I have an Excel workbook with one sheet containing 86370 rows and 28 columns of numeric cells. File size is ~ 27MB.

I cannot successfully import this file, even if I ask for just the first row. The Java heap always explodes, regardless of JVM heap parameters -Xmx and -Xms (or where they're specified).

For example,



It seems that WRI does not take the Excel file format seriously.

My workaround saves to and imports from binary. But since I'm often interacting with internal/external customers via Excel, I'd strongly prefer not to introduce additional data products, to make the workflow simpler, more transparent, and less error-prone.

Here's hoping that XLSX import/export gets some TLC from WRI in the near future, with full/efficient support for its maximum specs (~ 1M rows, 65K cols, unlimited sheets as of ~ Excel 2016).

Am I missing something?


POSTED BY: Vincent Virgilio
5 Replies

Thank you Mr. Mertig. I'll take this for a spin soonest.

I did dabble with NETLink/COM a few days ago. I wasn't able to get something like "var = sh@Range[...]@Value" to complete on a single column of height 86370; no doubt mostly due to my inexperience with NETLink.


POSTED BY: Vincent Virgilio

Java is a bit of pain when it comes to efficiency.

On Windows I would use NETLink (which is also painful because of lack of methods documentation).

The code below never needs more than half a GB of RAM (Kernel and FE) and runs in less than half a minute.


bigExport[fileName_String, data_,chunk_:5000]:=NETBlock@Module[{xl,book,sheet,range,datachunk,writeSubMatrix},
writeSubMatrix[sh_,xl_,{{ri_,ci_},{rf_,cf_}}, subMat_?MatrixQ] :=
Do[Print["writing rows ", row," to ",Min[row+chunk-1,Length@data]];
datachunk = Take[data, {row,Min[row+chunk-1,Length@data]}];
Print["datachunk Dimensions = ", datachunk//Dimensions];

numRows=86370; numCols=28;
data = RandomReal[1, {numRows,numCols}];
bigExport[$outputFile,data] // AbsoluteTiming
(*SystemOpen @ $outputFile*)
POSTED BY: Rolf Mertig

My machine is Windows 10 with 32 GB RAM and the same version of Mathematica. I'm not sure what is causing the problem for you.

POSTED BY: Chad Knutson

Thank you for the response.

I did try 5g (my machine: 64GB RAM, 16 3.5 GHz cores).

And I did try your code. The Export blows the heap

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Vincent Virgilio

Using my machine, I had to set -Xmx to 5 GB to make it work. I agree that is excessive. What was the max that you tried?

In[138]:= data = RandomReal[1,{86370,28}];
In[142]:= Needs["JLink`"]
In[149]:= ReinstallJava[JVMArguments->"-Xmx5g"]
In[146]:= Export["bigd.xlsx",data]
Out[146]= bigd.xlsx
In[151]:= d2=Import["bigd.xlsx"];
In[152]:= Dimensions[d2]
Out[152]= {1,86370,28}
POSTED BY: Chad Knutson
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