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Is Mathematica still compatible with OS X 10.13.1 ?

Posted 7 years ago

Hi, Recently I upgraded to OS X 10.13.1 and since I have been having strange freezes of the machine caused by Mathematica. For example, I have a fairly large List, about 65000 points, for ListDensityPlot3D. The command to show the List is this:

ListDensityPlot3D[Partition[Flatten[tblmi3retx], 4], 
 PlotLabel -> "delta = " <> ToString[N[Pi/500/7]], PlotRange -> All, 
 PlotLegends -> Automatic]

, so after the Partition I have as elements the x,y,z coordinates and the density of the quantity I want to display, one after another. ListDensityPlot3D actually does draw the list as it should do. The problems start when I want to enlarge the plot or rotate it into another position. Then Mathematica freeze and gives me a spinning beachball. In earlier OS X versions I could kill Mathematica, restart the machine and start over. Not now. Despite every claim by Apple that no user program can crash the OS, Mathematica is able to do it. The machine is locked up. Interestingly, the cursor is still available, but nothing responds from the OS for any attempt to select a Finder window, or to bring up the Force Quit window. I also cannot ssh into the machine from another computer. If I try to save the desktop with <cmd><shift><3>, I can hear the snap, but it produces only an empty grayish picture grayish picture

Ultimately I have to do a hard reset via the Power Button. After restart, the OS is bringing up Mathematica automagically and the strangeness continues, because Mathematica gives a few empty windows on the top of each other, moderately scattered, with the topmost having a spinning cursor in it.
spinning cursor in empty window

So I have to quit from this automatically booted Mathematica and launch it from the Finder to bring things back to something normal. This episode shows me that the earlier compatibility with OS X is gone with OS X 10.13.1. Im wondering if Mathematica 10.2 also has this problem, but I do not want to find it out by shelling out my hard earned tax dollars. Thanks ahead, János

POSTED BY: Janos Lobb
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