Dear All,
I got a simple question. How to join data from two different files with the same Dates?
Data1 = {
{{2006, 01, 01}, 27},
{{2006, 01, 02}, 25},
{{2006, 01, 03}, 86},
{{2006, 01, 04}, 72},
{{2006, 01, 05}, 66},
{{2006, 01, 06}, 25},
{{2006, 01, 07}, 13}
Data2 = {
{{2006, 01, 01}, 33},
{{2006, 01, 02}, 36},
{{2006, 01, 03}, 100},
{{2006, 01, 04}, 100},
{{2006, 01, 05}, 76},
{{2006, 01, 06}, 100},
{{2006, 01, 07}, 27}};
This should be the outcome:
HowToJoinData1withData2 =
{{{2006, 01, 01}, 27, 33},
{{2006, 01, 02}, 25, 36},
{{2006, 01, 03}, 86, 100},
{{2006, 01, 04}, 72, 100},
{{2006, 01, 05}, 66, 76},
{{2006, 01, 06}, 25, 100},
{{2006, 01, 07}, 13, 27}};
Please can you help? Regards,.....Jos