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[?] Calculate this integral with one/two unknown variables?

Posted 7 years ago

Among this double integral, "a" and "e" are assumed to be unknown parameters. I want to calculate this integral when "a" or "e" is set as a constant. And if possible, I want to draw the 3D plot of this integral with unknown "a" and "e". Thanks very much.

enter image description here

POSTED BY: zhaojx84
14 Replies

I tried it a bit different with a somewhat disturbing result

the undefined inner integral

j0 = \[Integral](Sqrt[196 - y^2 - x^2]) \[DifferentialD]x

insert the the upper bound yields a division by zero

j12 = j0 /. x -> Sqrt[14^2 - y^2] // Simplify

So try a limit, which seems to work

j12 = Limit[j0 /. x -> u, u -> Sqrt[14^2 - y^2]]

The lower limit is no problem

j11 = j0 /. x -> a + y/e

so the resulting inner integral should be

j2 = j12 - j11

Specify that for a = 1 and e = 1

j211 = j2 /. a -> 1 /. e -> 1

The upper bound for the outer integral is (and directly specified for a = e = 1 )

uL = (-a e + e Sqrt[196 + 196 e^2 - a^2 e^2])/(1 + e^2);
uL11 = uL /. {a -> 1, e -> 1}

But the integration gives something different from f [ 1, 1 ] given above:

In[11]:= NIntegrate[j211, {y, 0, uL11}]

Out[11]= -1843.8

Where is the flaw?

POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine
Posted 7 years ago

Dear Dolhaine, Thank you for your help. I believe the reason of the flaw you mentioned is that the definite integrals of most of complex funtions cannot be calculated using their infinite counterparts with the upper and lower limits. Best regards. Zhao

POSTED BY: zhaojx84

I think that is not true, especially when taking into account that Sqrt[ 196 -x^2- y^2 ] is not a complex function. The flaw is the strict confidence in the Limit Procedure, which gave

1/4 \[Pi] (-196 + y^2)

as value of the inner integral at the upper bound. When I had a close look at this limit

Limit[j0 /. x -> uu Sqrt[14^2 - y^2], uu -> 1]

it turned out that the negative value must be used. So writing

j2 = -j12 - j11 // FullSimplify

instead of the j2 given above and

jj2[a_, e_, y_] := Evaluate[j2]


ff[a_, e_] :=  NIntegrate[   jj2[a, e, y], {y,  0, ((-a)*e + e*Sqrt[196 + 196*e^2 - a^2*e^2])/(1 + e^2)}]

which when plotting gives the same picture as the other pics above

Plot3D[ff[a, e], {a, 0.01, 2}, {e, 0.01, 2}, ColorFunction -> "SolarColors"]

enter image description here

What is the learning? Mathematica is really a great software, but you can't always believe everything.

The flaw was that I didn't check if this limiting process gave a correct answer.

POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine
Posted 7 years ago

Dear Dolhaine? Thank you for your method. Another method is to transform j0 from

1/2 (x Sqrt[
    196 - x^2 - y^2] - (-196 + y^2) ArcTan[x/Sqrt[196 - x^2 - y^2]])


1/2 (x Sqrt[-x^2 - y^2 + 196] - (y^2 - 196) ArcSin[x/Sqrt[196 - y^2]])

It also works. But the final explicit expression still cannot be found out and may be not necessary in this case.

POSTED BY: zhaojx84

Adding assumptions seems to help. Below is one possibility. It took many minutes to evaluate though.

In[1]:= Integrate[Sqrt[196 - x^2 - 
       y^2], {y, 0, 
     ((-a)*e + e*Sqrt[196 + 
                196*e^2 - a^2*e^2])/
       (1 + e^2)}, {x, a + y/e, 
     Sqrt[14^2 - y^2]}, Assumptions -> {0 < a < 14, e > 0}]

(* Out[1]= ConditionalExpression[(1/(
 12 (1 + e^2)^(
  3/2)))(2 a^2 e Sqrt[(196 - a^2) (1 + e^2)] - 588 a e \[Pi] - 
   588 a e^3 \[Pi] + a^3 e^3 \[Pi] - 5488 Sqrt[1 + e^2] \[Pi] - 
   5488 e^2 Sqrt[1 + e^2] \[Pi] + 5488 I Sqrt[1 + e^2] Log[2] + 
   5488 I e^2 Sqrt[1 + e^2] Log[2] - 2744 I Sqrt[1 + e^2] Log[3] - 
   2744 I e^2 Sqrt[1 + e^2] Log[3] + 5488 I Sqrt[1 + e^2] Log[49] + 
   5488 I e^2 Sqrt[1 + e^2] Log[49] - 
   2744 I Sqrt[1 + e^2] Log[9604/3] - 
   2744 I e^2 Sqrt[1 + e^2] Log[9604/3] + 
   I a e (-588 + (-588 + a^2) e^2) Log[1 + e^2] + 
   I a e (-588 + (-588 + a^2) e^2) Log[(196 - (-196 + a^2) e^2)/(
     1 + e^2)] - 
   5488 I Sqrt[1 + e^2]
     Log[-14 (Sqrt[196 - a^2] + 14 I e) + I a^2 e + 
      a (14 I - Sqrt[196 - a^2] e)] - 
   5488 I e^2 Sqrt[1 + e^2]
     Log[-14 (Sqrt[196 - a^2] + 14 I e) + I a^2 e + 
      a (14 I - Sqrt[196 - a^2] e)] + 
   5488 I Sqrt[1 + e^2]
     Log[14 (Sqrt[196 - a^2] - 14 I e) + I a^2 e - 
      a (14 I + Sqrt[196 - a^2] e)] + 
   5488 I e^2 Sqrt[1 + e^2]
     Log[14 (Sqrt[196 - a^2] - 14 I e) + I a^2 e - 
      a (14 I + Sqrt[196 - a^2] e)] + 
   1176 I a e Log[-I a + Sqrt[-(-196 + a^2) (1 + e^2)]] + 
   1176 I a e^3 Log[-I a + Sqrt[-(-196 + a^2) (1 + e^2)]] - 
   2 I a^3 e^3 Log[-I a + Sqrt[-(-196 + a^2) (1 + e^2)]] - 
   5488 I Sqrt[1 + e^2]
     Log[14 + a e + 14 e^2 - e Sqrt[196 - (-196 + a^2) e^2]] - 
   5488 I e^2 Sqrt[1 + e^2]
     Log[14 + a e + 14 e^2 - e Sqrt[196 - (-196 + a^2) e^2]] + 
   5488 I Sqrt[1 + e^2]
     Log[14 - a e + 14 e^2 + e Sqrt[196 - (-196 + a^2) e^2]] + 
   5488 I e^2 Sqrt[1 + e^2]
     Log[14 - a e + 14 e^2 + e Sqrt[196 - (-196 + a^2) e^2]] - 
   5488 I Sqrt[1 + e^2]
     Log[-(-196 + a^2) e^3 + 14 Sqrt[196 - (-196 + a^2) e^2] + 
      14 e^2 Sqrt[196 - (-196 + a^2) e^2] + 
      e (196 - a Sqrt[196 - (-196 + a^2) e^2])] - 
   5488 I e^2 Sqrt[1 + e^2]
     Log[-(-196 + a^2) e^3 + 14 Sqrt[196 - (-196 + a^2) e^2] + 
      14 e^2 Sqrt[196 - (-196 + a^2) e^2] + 
      e (196 - a Sqrt[196 - (-196 + a^2) e^2])] + 
   5488 I Sqrt[1 + e^2]
     Log[(-196 + a^2) e^3 + 14 Sqrt[196 - (-196 + a^2) e^2] + 
      14 e^2 Sqrt[196 - (-196 + a^2) e^2] + 
      e (-196 + a Sqrt[196 - (-196 + a^2) e^2])] + 
   5488 I e^2 Sqrt[1 + e^2]
     Log[(-196 + a^2) e^3 + 14 Sqrt[196 - (-196 + a^2) e^2] + 
      14 e^2 Sqrt[196 - (-196 + a^2) e^2] + 
      e (-196 + a Sqrt[196 - (-196 + a^2) e^2])]), 
 196 e <= a (14 + a e)] *)
POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau
Posted 7 years ago

Dear Lichtblau, I can perform your method. However, the 3D plot of your result is different from that used with the method of Mariusz. I dont know why but want to figure the reason out. Thank you very much for your help. Best regards. Zhao

POSTED BY: zhaojx84

I don't agree. If I do on my system (Mma 7) Dan's code in the form

DanLichtblau = 
   Sqrt[196 - x^2 - y^2], {y, 0, ((-a)*e + e*Sqrt[196 + 196*e^2 - a^2*e^2])/(1 + e^2)}, {x, a + y/e, Sqrt[14^2 - y^2]}, 
   Assumptions -> {0 < a < 14, e > 0}];

I get (after quite a while) an expression (which is not a ConditionalExpression. Obviously this is unknown to my stoneage version of Mathematica) "DanLichtblau" which represents the analytical solution to the integral under consideration.

Anyhow it gives a picture quite similar to Mariusz result .

Plot3D[DanLichtblau /. {a -> aa, e -> ee}, {aa, .01, 3}, {ee, .01, 3}]


Taking into account that immaginary numbers (with tiny imaginary parts) occur,

Plot3D[Re[DanLichtblau /. {a -> aa, e -> ee}], {aa, .01, 3}, {ee, .01,   3}]

is much better


Anyhow, there is a difference between the expression Dan has posted above and my result of his code: In the leading factor my sytem gets a denominator like

12 (1 + e^2)^(7/2)

Note the exponent 7 / 2 compared to 3 / 2 in Dan's post. What is the reason?

And indeed, if you use the output given by Dan the plot (Plot3D) looks completely different.

POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine


If I put:

sol= Integrate[Sqrt[196 - x^2 - y^2], {x, a + y/e, Sqrt[14^2 - y^2]}, GenerateConditions -> False, Assumptions -> {y > 0, a > 0, e > 0}]
(* Give answer by Rational and ArcSin function *)

Integrate[sol, {y, 0, ((-a)*e + e*Sqrt[196 + 196*e^2 - a^2*e^2])/(1 + e^2)}, 
GenerateConditions -> False, Assumptions -> {a > 0, e > 0}]

(* No solved *)

There are many double integrals for which the inner integral can be evaluated (not "solved") in closed form. It might then not be possible to evaluate te outer integral of this result in closed form. If all parameters are numeric, it should then be possible to evaluate the outer integral numerically.

    f[a_, e_] := NIntegrate[Sqrt[196 - x^2 - y^2], {y, 0, ((-a)*e + e*Sqrt[196 + 196*e^2 - a^2*e^2])/(1 + e^2)}, 
    {x, a + y/e, Sqrt[14^2 - y^2]}]

    f[1, 1](* for an example a=1,e=1*)
    (*  613.116 *)
    Plot3D[f[a, e], {a, 0.01, 2}, {e, 0.01, 2}, ColorFunction -> "SolarColors", PlotLegends -> Automatic]

enter image description here

Regards Mariusz.

POSTED BY: Mariusz Iwaniuk
Posted 7 years ago

Among this double integral, "a" and "e" are assumed to be unknown parameters. I want to calculate this integral when "a" or "e" is set as a constant. And if possible, I want to draw the 3D plot of this integral with unknown "a" and "e". Thanks very much.

enter image description here

POSTED BY: zhaojx84
Posted 7 years ago

Thank you very much, Mariusz. I used your amazing method and figure it out. Best regards, Zhao

POSTED BY: zhaojx84

I speed up computation at factor 10.

 n = 1/4;(*Decrease the value to smooth a plot,the calculation time will be longer *)
 ListPlot3D[Partition[Flatten[Table[{a, e, f[a, e]}, {a, -2.01, 2, n}, {e, -2.01, 2, n}]],
 3], ColorFunction -> "SolarColors", PlotLegends -> Automatic]

regards, Mariusz

POSTED BY: Mariusz Iwaniuk
Posted 7 years ago

Thanks for your speed-up method. But I found it cannot works in some situations. Such as:

f[a_, e_] := 
 196 Pi a - 2 (NIntegrate[Sqrt[196 - x^2], {y, 0, r Tan[e]}, 
        {x, y/Tan[e], r}] - (e r^3)/3) + 
  2 Re[NIntegrate[Sqrt[196 - x^2], {y, 0, r Tan[e] - a}, 
        {x, (a + y)/Tan[e], r}] - NIntegrate[Sqrt[-x^2 - y^2 + 196], 
       0, - a Cos[e]^2 + (Sqrt[2] Sin[e])/2 Sqrt[
         392 - a^2 - (a^2) Cos[2 e] ]}, 
        {x, (a + y)/Tan[e], Sqrt[14^2 - y^2]}]]

I dont know why, as this double integral is similar to that I post at the beginning of this discussion. Regards, Zhao.

POSTED BY: zhaojx84


Yours $r$ variable need a value. You forgot to add it.

NIntegrate needs to be all variable constans a numeric. I'm add Method -> "LocalAdaptive" possible Integral may be singular at some values.

r=1;(* you may change this value*)
f[a_, e_, r_] := 196 Pi a - 2 (NIntegrate[Sqrt[196 - x^2], {y, 0, r Tan[e]}, {x, y/Tan[e], r}, 
Method -> "LocalAdaptive"] - (e r^3)/3) + 2 Re[NIntegrate[Sqrt[196 - x^2], {y, 0, r Tan[e] - a}, {x, (a + y)/Tan[e], r}, 
Method -> "LocalAdaptive"] - NIntegrate[Sqrt[-x^2 - y^2 + 196], {y, 0, -a Cos[e]^2 + (Sqrt[2] Sin[e])/2 Sqrt[
392 - a^2 - (a^2) Cos[2 e]]}, {x, (a + y)/Tan[e], Sqrt[14^2 - y^2]}, Method -> "LocalAdaptive"]]

n = 1/3;(*Decrease the value to smooth a plot,the calculation timewill be longer*)
ListPlot3D[Partition[Flatten[Table[{a, e, f[a, e, r]}, {a, -2.01, 2, n}, {e, -2.01, 2, n}]], 3], ColorFunction -> "SolarColors", 
PlotLegends -> Automatic]

enter image description here

For more information read Documentation Center it's all there,everything you need.

Regards, Mariusz

POSTED BY: Mariusz Iwaniuk
Posted 7 years ago

Thank you very much, Mariusz. I am learning your method. Regards, Zhao.

POSTED BY: zhaojx84
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