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Will Mathematica 10.3.1 work on Fedora 27 Linux?

Posted 7 years ago

We have Mathematica 10.3.1 for Linux x86 (64-bit) installed on a machine running Fedora 17 Linux. We are being asked to upgrade to Fedora 27. Will our version of Mathematica continue to work? If not, what is the newest version of Fedora that will work with Mathematica 10.3.1? Robert

POSTED BY: Robert Enenkel
Posted 3 years ago

For what it's worth 3 years later, I'm running 12.3.1 on Fedora 34 (64-bit) right now.

I'd say it's fine, but I'm getting an occasional kernel crash while evaluating a notebook developed on my Windows license. The notebook imports an MS Excel file (*.xlsx) and creates several datasets with associations. I've got 32GB of RAM and no shortage of disk space either. I'm not sure what's causing the crash. (I just ran the whole thing again successfully while typing this. Can't troubleshoot it if it's behaving itself...)

POSTED BY: Glen Deering
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