Hello everybody
I didnt find a possibilty to search the forum (where is it?), so I'm sorry, if this isn't a new question.
I want to make a part of an ellipse as a BSplineCurve, so that I can use it with Arrow and FilledCurve. In the help of Mathematica, I found an example where they calculate the control-points for BSplineCurve to interpolate some random points:
interpolate[pts_] := Module[
{dist, param, deg, knots, m, ctrlpts, i},
dist =
Table[EuclideanDistance[pts[[i]], pts[[i + 1]]], {i,
Length[pts] - 1}]];
param = N[Prepend[dist/Last[dist], 0]];
deg = 3;
knots =
Join[{0, 0, 0}, Range[0, 1, 1/(Length[pts] - deg)], {1, 1, 1}];
m = Table[
BSplineBasis[{deg, knots}, j - 1, param[[i]]], {i,
Length[pts]}, {j, Length[pts]}];
ctrlpts = LinearSolve[m, pts];
Now I define a parametric function of circle and some points on it, and this works pretty well: (Yellow=ParametricPlot, Blue=BSplineCurve[points], Red=BSplineCurve[interpolate[points]])
a = {1, 0}; b = {0, 1};
el = (Cos[#]*a + Sin[#]*b) &;
t1 = \[Pi]/6; t2 = 11 \[Pi]/6; n = 10;
pts = Table[el[t], {t, t1, t2, (t2 - t1)/n}];
But if I do the same for an ellipse, it's not good anymore.
a = {0.8, 0.1}; b = {0.2, 0.6};
el = (Cos[#]*a + Sin[#]*b) &;
t1 = \[Pi]/6; t2 = 11 \[Pi]/6; n = 10;
pts = Table[el[t], {t, t1, t2, (t2 - t1)/n}];
Is there a simple way, to make this better? If I make a BSplineCurve without interpolation, but with much more points, it looks ok, but I'm not really happy with this. Then I saw, there is an old Package "Spline" with a possibilty to interpolate. But its marked as an old package and the result could be better.
Thx for any help & kind regards. JotaBeta