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Question: My function is not being graphed

Posted 12 years ago
I am currently graphing taylor polynomial approxiamtion graphs compared to the function and the funciton (which should be graphed) isn't showing up but the taylor approximation graphs are. How do i get the funciton (Sinx) to show up?
POSTED BY: Kairn Brannon
2 Replies
Posted 12 years ago
Thank you sirĀ 
POSTED BY: Kairn Brannon
Posted 12 years ago
Mathematica is fanatic about exactly correct capitalization and use [] versus () versus {} and use of = versus := versus == and there is even an === and those are all different. Make any tiny error in any one of those and you will get incorrect results or error messages you don't know how to interpret or even nothing at all.
In[1]:= Plot[Sin[x], {x, -2 Pi, 2 Pi}]

Out[1]=  <<<plot snipped>>>
POSTED BY: Bill Simpson
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