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Scaling Dynamic widgets up

Posted 7 years ago

cross posted in mathematica.stackexchange


The serious flaw of Dynamic is a combination of facts:

  • it is triggered/refreshed by any kind of mutation of a symbol,

  • careful, with respect to evaluation, metaprogramming/construction of symbols is really cumbersome

An example is worth a thousand words so:

{ Dynamic@x[[1]], Dynamic@x[[2]]}

You can't trigger one without other one being affected even if the value didn't change. And writing:

{ Dynamic @ x1, Dynamic @ x2 }

will be tough to automatically scale/maintain for regular users. A real world example can be found here:

The code in the answer is not something you'd love to write on daily basis:

DynamicModule[{}, Graphics[{
   ( ToExpression[
      "{sA:=state" <> ToString[#] <> ", sB:=state" <> ToString[#2] <> "}",
    ] /. Hold[spec_] :> With[spec, 
       {  Dynamic @ If[TrueQ[sA || sB], Red, Black], 
          Line[{pts[#1], pts[#2]}]
   ) & @@@ edges
      "{sA:=state" <> ToString[#] <> "}", 
    ] /. Hold[spec_] :> With[spec, 
       { Dynamic @ If[TrueQ[sA], Red, Black], 
         EventHandler[ Point @ pts[#], 
           {"MouseEntered" :> (sA = True), "MouseExited" :> (sA = False)}
   ) & /@ names
  ImageSize -> Large]

Very often a smart, specific solution can be applied but it would be nice to be able to do mindless things and not be limited by syntax/design issues but real limitations of how much FrontEnd can handle.

What can we do to make programming of idioms presented in the linked question more approachable?


Among features that will come, DynamicObjecs` package provides FrontEndSymbol/FrontEndModule utilities which can be used to solve this problem.

It is not a golden hammer and needs understanding of what is going on under the hood but can be used in powerful ways. So I strongly recommend reading wiki before creating own examples:


Follow installation steps from

Then the code from the linked topic can be rewritten to:

Needs @ "DynamicObjects`";

n = 120;
names = Range[n];
pts = AssociationThread[names -> N@CirclePoints[n]];
edges = RandomSample[Subsets[names, {2}], 250];

        Dynamic @ If[ 
          TrueQ[ FrontEndSymbol["state",#1] || FrontEndSymbol["state", #2] ]
        , Red
        , Black
      , Line[{pts[#1],pts[#2]}]
      }& @@@ edges    
    , {
      , Dynamic @ If[ TrueQ[FrontEndSymbol["state",#1]], Red, Black]
      , EventHandler[Point@pts[#]
        , { "MouseEntered":>(FrontEndSymbol["state",#1]=True)
          , "MouseExited":>(FrontEndSymbol["state",#1]=False)
      }& /@ names
  , ImageSize -> Medium

enter image description here

Much cleaner, isn't it?

POSTED BY: Kuba Podkalicki

Much thx!

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