I fill a matrix Estimate in a module (See code snippet}. I follow the filling of the matrix with TracePrint[Estimate[[j,i]] and the matrix is filling nicely with expected values. But somehow in the Official Output ( so to speak) the text Null is added to alle values ?
Whats happening here ? And how to avoid it ?
Best Regards, Chiel Geeraert
In[3]:= Module[{i, j, k, Nrandom, procenttabel, sampleSize, sample,
procenttabel = {0.02, 0.05, 0.10, 0.2};
Estimate = Table[0, {i, 1, Length[procenttabel]}, {j, 1, 5}];
Nrandom = 800;
j = 1;
While[j <= Length[procenttabel],
sampleSize = procenttabel[[j]]* Nrandom;
i = 1;
While[i <= 5,
sample = Table[RandomInteger[{1, 800}], {k, 1, sampleSize}];
Estimate[[j, i]] = N[(sampleSize + 1)/sampleSize* Max[sample] - 1, 3];
TracePrint[Estimate[[j, i]]];
During evaluation of In[3]:= {{799.063,793.75,820.313,824.563,840.5},{810.8,800.55,819.,813.875,816.95},{806.975,809.,800.9,803.938,804.95},{799.975,804.,799.975,800.981,804.}}[[4,5]]
During evaluation of In[3]:= 804.
Out[3]= {{799.063 Null, 793.75 Null, 820.313 Null, 824.563 Null,
840.5 Null}, {810.8 Null, 800.55 Null, 819. Null, 813.875 Null,
816.95 Null}, {806.975 Null, 809. Null, 800.9 Null, 803.938 Null,
804.95 Null}, {799.975 Null, 804. Null, 799.975 Null, 800.981 Null,
804. Null}}