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Avoid strange results from LinearSolve (and Solve)?

Posted 6 years ago

I encounter strange behaviour of LinearSolve (and Solve): Given a symmetric, positive matrix M (4x4, but nasty expressions) I try to solve the linear system M.x=rhs with rhs=(1,0,0,0). Using LinearSolve[M,rhs] I obtain an answer, that yields Indetermined values, when evaluated for special values of M. The same answer is obtained when using Solve. But if I calculate the Inverse of M and multiply that with rhs, I obtain the correct response, without any indetermined entries. For larger matrices this bypass would become too involved.

POSTED BY: Alois Steindl
6 Replies

Inverse might be doing a better job of simplifying the result. Possibilities to get around the issue using LinearSolve include post simplification to remove any common factors.

sol2 = Together[x1, Trig -> True];
sol2 /. vars0

(* Out[23]= {(384 (-2304 \[Mu] - 720 \[Mu]^2 - 56 \[Mu]^3))/(
 m R^2 \[Delta]^2 \[Mu] (48 + 7 \[Mu]) (-1536 \[Mu] - 
    224 \[Mu]^2)), -((576 (4 + \[Mu]) (-384 \[Mu] - 56 \[Mu]^2))/(
  m R^2 \[Delta]^2 \[Mu] (48 + 7 \[Mu]) (-1536 \[Mu] - 
     224 \[Mu]^2))), 0, 0} *)

This next also works but gives less simplification.

x2 =  LinearSolve[massmat2, rhs, Method -> "CofactorExpansion"];
x2 /. vars0

(* Out[25]= {(-((m^3 R^6 \[Delta]^6 (4 + \[Mu])^2 (6 + \[Mu]))/6144) + (
    m^3 R^6 \[Delta]^6 (6 + \[Mu])^2 (3 + 2 \[Mu]))/
       m^2 R^4 \[Delta]^4 (4 + \[Mu])^2 (-(1/256)
          m^2 R^4 \[Delta]^4 (4 + \[Mu])^2 + 
       1/288 m^2 R^4 \[Delta]^4 (6 + \[Mu]) (3 + 2 \[Mu])) + 
    1/288 m^2 R^4 \[Delta]^4 (6 + \[Mu]) (3 + 
       2 \[Mu]) (-(1/256) m^2 R^4 \[Delta]^4 (4 + \[Mu])^2 + 
       1/288 m^2 R^4 \[Delta]^4 (6 + \[Mu]) (3 + 2 \[Mu]))), ((
    m^3 R^6 \[Delta]^6 (4 + \[Mu])^3)/4096 - (
    m^3 R^6 \[Delta]^6 (4 + \[Mu]) (6 + \[Mu]) (3 + 2 \[Mu]))/
       m^2 R^4 \[Delta]^4 (4 + \[Mu])^2 (-(1/256)
          m^2 R^4 \[Delta]^4 (4 + \[Mu])^2 + 
       1/288 m^2 R^4 \[Delta]^4 (6 + \[Mu]) (3 + 2 \[Mu])) + 
    1/288 m^2 R^4 \[Delta]^4 (6 + \[Mu]) (3 + 
       2 \[Mu]) (-(1/256) m^2 R^4 \[Delta]^4 (4 + \[Mu])^2 + 
       1/288 m^2 R^4 \[Delta]^4 (6 + \[Mu]) (3 + 2 \[Mu]))), 0, 0} *)
POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau

Thank you very much for resolving this issue! I was quite astonished to see, that LinearSolve might lead to "stranger" results than multiplying with the inverse, which for large matrices is a no-go. With best wishes Alois

POSTED BY: Alois Steindl

is the problem symmetrical about the vertical axis? are you trying to find the normal modes?

POSTED BY: Frank Kampas

In this case the system has mirror reflection symmetry both in-plane (psi_i=0), as well as out-of-plane. I simply tried to derive the Lagrangian equations of motion and put them into a first order form, in order to apply optimal control to them. (Actually, in cases like this one, it would be much better to keep the second order equations and modify the adjoint equations for the OC accordingly.) With best wishes Alois

POSTED BY: Alois Steindl

Perhaps your problem has a continuum of solutions

POSTED BY: Frank Kampas

Hello, thanks for your response! Actually the matrix is the mass-matrix of a spatial double pendulum, which rotates around a central body. The angles theta1 and theta2 are the angles with the vertical direction in the plane, and psi1 and psi2 are the angles out of plane. So the matrix is symmetric and positive definite (for general values of the parameters). If I set the angles to zero before solving the equation, also LinearSolve yields the correct result; otherwise the solution contains some strange denominators, which evaluate to zero at the straight downhanging configuration (all angles 0). If there were more solutions, also the computation of the inverse should indicate problems.

I would have expected that LinearSolve behaves better than the solution using the inverse matrix. (I tell my students, that they should avoid calculating the inverse.)

POSTED BY: Alois Steindl
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