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Problem with Internet Connectivity

Posted 11 years ago
I have a problem with Internet Connectivity of Mathematica.

From my notebook at home (one year home licence running on Win 7) is no a problem to get Astronomical Data.
But on my work PC (win Vista 64 bit)  the same notebook doest work with a message

"Internet download of data for \!\(\"AstronomicalData\"\) failed"

The Test Internet Connectivity failed with a message "An error occurred attempting to update paclet information from site Failed writing received data to disk/application"

Chanegs of proxy, temporaly firewall shutdown or start with clean preferences doesn't help. 

Please, do you have any idea whats wrong?

POSTED BY: Tomáš Hruš
8 Replies
Glad to hear it worked! The last step was probably necessary because Windows uses special permissions for C:\Users\..., and could be avoided by choosing a different location.
POSTED BY: Ilian Gachevski
Posted 11 years ago
I set the variable to c:\Users\TomasMathematica\AppData\Roaming\Mathematica - the result is below

 In[1]:= AstronomicalData["Planet"]
 During evaluation of In[1]:= AstronomicalData::dlfail: Internet download of data for AstronomicalData failed. Use Help > Internet Connectivity... to test or reconfigure internet connectivity. >>
 Out[1]= $Failed
 In[2]:= Evaluate[$UserBaseDirectory]
 Out[2]= "c:\\Users\\TomasMathematica\\AppData\\Roaming\\Mathematica"

At thle last step I tried to start Mathematica as Administrator -- and It works!

Thank you very much, Ilian!
POSTED BY: Tomáš Hruš
Actually I'd try first setting the environment variable MATHEMATICA_USERBASE and then starting Mathematica.
POSTED BY: Ilian Gachevski
Posted 11 years ago
I'll try to contact our administrator to change my login name to the syetem... I hope it will not affect othe my sw...
POSTED BY: Tomáš Hruš
Perhaps the old $UserBaseDirectory was still on the $Path. What about logging in as the TomasMathematica user and then starting Mathematica?
POSTED BY: Ilian Gachevski
Posted 11 years ago
I don't know, why the second line in the code is so long and contain blue characters, in fact I can see in thne notebook only the message "AstronomicalData::dlfail: Internet download of data for AstronomicalData failed. Use Help > Internet Connectivity... to test or reconfigure internet connectivity. >>", but this became here after CTRL-A, CTRL-C, CTRL-V... sorry..
POSTED BY: Tomáš Hruš
Posted 11 years ago
Thank You Ilian, but I seems not working -- see below

In[1]:= AstronomicalData["Planet"]
AstronomicalData::dlfail: Internet download of data for AstronomicalData failed. Use Help > Internet Connectivity... to test or reconfigure internet connectivity. >>
Out[1]= $Failed
In[2]:= Evaluate[$UserBaseDirectory]
Out[2]= "C:\\Users\\Tomáš\\AppData\\Roaming\\Mathematica"
In[3]:= $UserBaseDirectory = \
Out[3]= "c:\\Users\\TomasMathematica\\AppData\\Roaming\\Mathematica"
In[4]:= Evaluate[$UserBaseDirectory]
Out[4]= "c:\\Users\\TomasMathematica\\AppData\\Roaming\\Mathematica"
In[5]:= AstronomicalData["Planet"]
During evaluation of In[5]:= AstronomicalData::dlfail: Internet download of data for AstronomicalData failed. Use Help > Internet Connectivity... to test or reconfigure internet connectivity. >>
Out[5]= $Failed
POSTED BY: Tomáš Hruš
This issue may occur with certain paths containing diacritics. Try changing your $UserBaseDirectory to something with only regular ASCII characters (s instead of š etc.)
POSTED BY: Ilian Gachevski
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