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Find all roots to an equation?

Posted 6 years ago

Hello. I'm spending my friday night trying to learn Mathematica, and so far it's been going decent. This is only my second day using the program, so bare with me.

I'm currently on an exercise where I'm supposed to plot these two functions in the same graph: enter image description here

For that I used

Plot[{Abs[3 - t^2] + Abs[t - 1] - t^2, 3*Sin[t]}, {t, -3.8, 4.6}]

Which gave me this : enter image description here

Now, what I'm wondering is, how do I find all of the roots to my equation ( h(t) = g(t) )? My e-book suggests using FindRoot, but I don't know how/where. Thanks for your help.

8 Replies

There's an undocumented function System`TRootsDump`GuessRealRoots that finds pretty good initial points for FindRoot to polish up:

Reduce`AnalyticRootIsolation; (* initialization *)
With[{f = Function[t, -t^2 + Abs[-1 + t] + Abs[3 - t^2] - 3 Sin[t]]},
 FindRoot[f, {#}] & /@ System`TRootsDump`GuessRealRoots[f, {-4, 4}]
(*  {{0.762901}, {3.35745}, {-3.77452}}  *)

Here's another way to get the starting points:

rootapprox = Plot[(Abs[3 - t^2] + Abs[t - 1] - t^2) - (3*Sin[t]), {t, -3.8, 4.6},
   MeshFunctions -> {#2 &}, Mesh -> {{0}}, MeshStyle -> {Red}, PlotStyle -> None];
Cases[Normal@rootapprox, Point[{x_, _}] :> x, Infinity]
(*  {0.761897, 3.35785, -3.77457}  *)
POSTED BY: Michael Rogers

In my problem, SystemTRootsDumpGuessRealRoots works 10 to 300 times slower than Ted Ersek's RootSearch.

POSTED BY: Igor Kotelnikov

There's an undocumented function System`TRootsDump`GuessRealRoots that finds pretty good initial points for FindRoot to polish up:

Reduce`AnalyticRootIsolation; (* initialization *)
With[{f = Function[t, -t^2 + Abs[-1 + t] + Abs[3 - t^2] - 3 Sin[t]]},
 FindRoot[f, {#}] & /@ System`TRootsDump`GuessRealRoots[f, {-4, 4}]
(*  {{0.762901}, {3.35745}, {-3.77452}}  *)
POSTED BY: Michael Rogers

There is a wonderful package written by @Ted Ersek from the Naval Air Warfare Center. It works really well for getting all roots numerically over a given range. The package is in the Wolfram Demo Library and its called RootSearch. We have used it successfully in several applications. In fact, it would be nice if the functionality were to eventually make it into MMA.



POSTED BY: Neil Singer
Posted 6 years ago

This link with code by users J.M. and Thales Fernandes should be extremely useful in finding all roots: FindAllCrossings and FindRoots

POSTED BY: Jim Baldwin

Read first:


Use it, that will be easier for you:

{FindRoot[Abs[3 - t^2] + Abs[t - 1] - t^2 == 3*Sin[t], {t, -3}],
FindRoot[Abs[3 - t^2] + Abs[t - 1] - t^2 == 3*Sin[t], {t, 1}],
FindRoot[Abs[3 - t^2] + Abs[t - 1] - t^2 == 3*Sin[t], {t, 3}]}
POSTED BY: Mariusz Iwaniuk
FindRoot[Abs[3 - t^2] + Abs[t - 1] - t^2 == 3*Sin[t], {t, #}] & /@ {-3, 1, 3}(* Starting values from Plot[]*)
(* {{t -> -3.77452}, {t -> 0.762901}, {t -> 3.35745}} *)


NSolve[{RealAbs[3 - t^2] + RealAbs[t - 1] - t^2 == 3*Sin[t], -4 < t < 4}, t, Reals](*Why Abs[] dosen't work I don't know !.*)
(* {{t -> -3.77452}, {t -> 0.762901}, {t -> 3.35745}} *)
NSolve[{Abs[3 - t^2] + Abs[t - 1] - t^2 == 3*Sin[t], -4 < t < 4}, t, Complexes]
(* {{t -> -3.77452}, {t -> 0.762901}, {t -> 3.35745}} *)

Solve[{Abs[3 - t^2] + Abs[t - 1] - t^2 == 3*Sin[t], -4 < t < 4}, t, Reals]
(*{{t -> Root[{-4 - 3 Sin[#1] + #1 &, 3.3574487606850113852}]}, {t -> 
   Root[{2 + 3 Sin[#1] + #1 &, -3.7745180124835511931}]}, {t -> 
   Root[{-4 + 3 Sin[#1] + #1 + 2 #1^2 &, 0.76290087955924483126}]}}*)
(* {{t -> 3.35745}, {t -> -3.77452}, {t -> 0.762901}} *)

Reduce[{Abs[3 - t^2] + Abs[t - 1] - t^2 == 3*Sin[t], -4 < t < 4}, t, Reals]
(* t == Root[{-4 - 3 Sin[#1] + #1 &, 3.3574487606850113852}] || 
 t == Root[{2 + 3 Sin[#1] + #1 &, -3.7745180124835511931}] || 
 t == Root[{-4 + 3 Sin[#1] + #1 + 2 #1^2 &, 0.76290087955924483126}] *)
 (* t == 3.35745 || t == -3.77452 || t == 0.762901*)

 FindInstance[{Abs[3 - t^2] + Abs[t - 1] - t^2 == 3*Sin[t], -4 < t < 4}, t, Reals, 3] // N
  (* {{t -> 3.35745}, {t -> -3.77452}, {t -> 0.762901}} *)
POSTED BY: Mariusz Iwaniuk
Posted 6 years ago

Ah okay. The first one is definitely the one I'll be using then. You used -3,1,3 for the interval, why was that?

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