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Import a relatively large excel file?

Posted 6 years ago

Hi friends. I am having troubles with importing relatively large Excel sheets --not huge, but rather large (60 000+ rows, 150 columns).

When I try to import the database as a whole, I get the following error:

Import::fmterr: Cannot import data as XLS format. I separated the Excel file into several files, one per column. If I try to import them manually, I can, but if I try to import them programmatically (Map[Import, names], where names are the names of each column file) I get the same error messages,

I increased the available memory, to no avail

POSTED BY: winhaze winhaz
2 Replies

What version of mma are you running? Can you post an example file of the whole Database?

POSTED BY: Neil Singer

Can you convert the file to a csv file?

POSTED BY: l van Veen
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