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Solve first order linear equation using DSolve?

Posted 5 years ago

I tried to solve the first order linear equation with mathematica, but I failed to get the right answer, which I got by hand. Can you tell me why I am wrong? thanks very much!

the question:

DSolve[{y'[t] == (I*w0 - R)*y[t] + B*r/2*(Exp [I*w*t] + Exp [-I*w*t]), y[0] == 0}, y[0] == 0}, y[t],t]

the wrong answer i got: correct the question: the answer is right !!! just not the form I expected.

{{y -> Function[{t}, (B E^(t (-R + I w0))
        r (-2 R + E^(t (R - I (w + w0))) R + 
         E^(2 I t w + t (R - I (w + w0))) R + 
         I E^(t (R - I (w + w0))) w - 
         I E^(2 I t w + t (R - I (w + w0))) w + 2 I w0 - 
         I E^(t (R - I (w + w0))) w0 - 
         I E^(2 I t w + t (R - I (w + w0))) w0))/(2 (R - I w - 
         I w0) (R + I w - I w0))]}}


the right answer: correct the question: the answer I expected and calculated by hand. enter image description here

POSTED BY: tian zhao
15 Replies
Posted 5 years ago

thanks for your detailed reply. I appreciate that you are so responsible and warm!!! ysol2 is a solution of ODE, I can not agree with you more. thanks!!!

POSTED BY: tian zhao


YOURSsolution is NOT a solution of ODE, even if calculated by hand, and it does NOT fulfill YOURSsolution[ 0 ] == 0.

In[150]:= YOURSsolution /. t -> 0
% // FullSimplify

Out[150]= 1/2 B r (1/(R - I (w - w0)) + 1/(R + I (w - w0)))    
Out[151]= (B r R)/(R^2 + (w - w0)^2)

You may drop the condition y[ 0 ] == 0 in your ODE to get

ysol1 = y /. DSolve[{y'[t] == (I*w0 - R)*y[t] + B*r/2*(Exp[I*w*t] + Exp[-I*w*t])}, y, t][[1, 1]]

Then drop, as you wanted to, C[1]

ysol2 = ysol1 /. C[1] -> 0


In[171]:= ysol2[0]
Out[171]= 1/2 B r (1/(R + I (w - w0)) + 1/(R - I (w + w0)))

That is NOT what you wanted.

ysol2 is a solution of ODE

ysol2'[t] == (I*w0 - R)*ysol2[t] +    B*r/2*(Exp[I*w*t] + Exp[-I*w*t]) // FullSimplify

Out[172]= True

ysol2 looks very similar to YOURSsolution (but remember: it does not fulfill your initial condition)

In[181]:= (B r)/2 (2/(B r) ysol2[t] // Simplify // Expand)

Out[181]= 1/2 B r (E^(I t w)/(R + I (w - w0)) + E^(-I t w)/(  R - I (w + w0)))

but it is not the same

In[173]:= ysol2[t] - YOURSsolution // FullSimplify
Out[173]= (I B E^(-I t w) r w0)/((R - I w)^2 + w0^2)

Look at the signs in the w / w0 terms , I have the suspicion that there is a typo in that dissertation.

POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine

I want to get the solution form of YOURSsolution

What does that mean?

I think YOURSsolution is a special solution.

YOURSsolution is NOT a solution to your ODE. Why do you have this idea?

POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine
Posted 5 years ago

Happy new year! The question came from formula derivation of a dissertation. YOURSsolution is exactly the answer the dissertation get. So I want to get the same answer by Mathematica. By dropping E^(t (-R + I w0)) C[1]]}} from the answer derivated from Mathematica, I get the same answer I expected.
I think YOURSsolution is a special solution by dropping C[1], maybe what I thought is wrong. But it satisfied ODE if you calculate by hand. the answer can make the right of the equation equal to the left. I don't know the reason...

POSTED BY: tian zhao
Posted 5 years ago

Happy new year! The question came from formula derivation of a dissertation. YOURSsolution is exactly the answer the dissertation get. So I want to get the same answer by Mathematica. By dropping E^(t (-R + I w0)) C[1]]}} from the answer derivated from Mathematica, I get the same answer I expected.
I think YOURSsolution is a special solution by dropping C[1], maybe what I thought is wrong. But it satisfied ODE if you calculate by hand. the answer can make the right of the equation equal to the left. I don't know the reason...

POSTED BY: tian zhao

What exactly is your problem???

As Mariusz pointed out your solution YOURSsolution

In[36]:= YOURSsolution[t]    
Out[36]= 1/2 B r (E^(-I t w)/(R - I (w - w0)) + E^(I t w)/( R + I (w - w0)))

is NOT a solution for your ODE

In[34]:= FullSimplify[ODE /. y -> YOURSsolution]    
Out[34]= {(B E^(-I t w) r w0)/(I R + w - w0) == 0}

(but ysol is :

In[37]:= FullSimplify[ODE /. y -> ysol]
Out[37]= {True}


nor does it fulfill your initial condition as Mariusz has already pointed out

In[31]:= YOURSsolution[0] // FullSimplify
Out[31]= (B r R)/(R^2 + (w - w0)^2)

So, what is your question?

By the way, ysol is generally a solution without the restrictions mentioned before

In[17]:= test = 
  D[ysol[t], t] - ((I*w0 - R)*ysol[t] + B*r/2*(Exp[I*w*t] + Exp[-I*w*t]))]

Out[17]= 0
POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine
Posted 5 years ago

Thanks for your return again. My problem is that I want to get the solution form of YOURSsolution when I solve the equation with Mathematica. I have known that ysol is generally a solution. I think YOURSsolution is a special solution. I have solved the problem by the code that I posted. thanks~

POSTED BY: tian zhao

DSolve gives

In[1]:= ysol = 
 y /. DSolve[{y'[t] == (I*w0 - R)*y[t] + 
       B*r/2*(Exp[I*w*t] + Exp[-I*w*t]), y[0] == 0}, y, t][[1, 1]]

Out[1]= Function[{t}, (B E^(t (-R + I w0))
     r (-2 R + E^(t (R - I (w + w0))) R + 
      E^(2 I t w + t (R - I (w + w0))) R + 
      I E^(t (R - I (w + w0))) w - 
      I E^(2 I t w + t (R - I (w + w0))) w + 2 I w0 - 
      I E^(t (R - I (w + w0))) w0 - 
      I E^(2 I t w + t (R - I (w + w0))) w0))/(2 (R^2 + w^2 - 
      2 I R w0 - w0^2))]


In[2]:= ysol[0]
Out[2]= 0


In[5]:= test = 
  D[ysol[t], t] - ((I*w0 - R)*ysol[t] + B*r/2*(Exp[I*w*t] + Exp[-I*w*t])) // 
   ExpToTrig, Element[{B, r, R, w, w0}, Reals]]

Out[5]= 0

So ysol is a solution to your problem with real B, r, R , w and w0

POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine
Posted 5 years ago

Thanks for your complete return. if I use the code below ,I can got the answer I expected.

In[16]:=  ODE = {y'[t] == (I*w0 - R)*y[t] + B/2*r*(Exp[I*w*t] + Exp[-I*w*t])};
    sol = DSolve[ODE, y, t] // FullSimplify
Out[17]:={{y -> Function[{t}, 
    1/2 B E^(t (-R + I w0) + t (R - I (w + w0)))
       r (E^(2 I t w)/(R + I (w - w0)) + 1/(R - I (w + w0))) + 
     E^(t (-R + I w0)) C[1]]}}                                                                                                        
In[18]:= Simplify[1/2 B E^(t (-R + I w0) + t (R - I (w + w0)))
                 r (E^(2 I t w)/(R + I (w - w0)) + 1/(R - I (w + w0)))]                                                
 Out[19]:= 1/2 B E^(-I t w) r (E^(2 I t w)/(R + I (w - w0)) + 1/(R - I (w + w0))) 

but I still confuse why my expected answer is wrong when I instead the eqution with it.

ODE = {y'[t] == (I*w0 - R)*y[t] + B/2*r*(Exp[I*w*t] + Exp[-I*w*t])};
sol = DSolve[ODE, y, t] // FullSimplifyere                                                                    
  YOURSsolution = {{y -> 
 Function[{t}, (B*r)/
    2*(Exp[I w t]/(R + I*(w - w0)) + 
     Exp[-I w t]/(R - I (w - w0)))]}};                                                                                                   
 ODE /. YOURSsolution // FullSimplify
POSTED BY: tian zhao
ODE = {y'[t] == (I*w0 - R)*y[t] + B/2*r*(Exp[I*w*t] + Exp[-I*w*t]), y[0] == 0};
sol = DSolve[ODE, y, t] // FullSimplify
ODE /. sol // FullSimplify(*Check if  Mathematica solution is correct. OK is correct. *)
(* {{True, True}} *)

YOURSsolution = {{y -> Function[{t}, (B*r)/2*(Exp[I w t]/(R + I*(w - w0)) + Exp[-I w t]/(
     R - I (w - w0)))]}};
ODE /. YOURSsolution // FullSimplify(*Check if  Yours solution is correct. It's seems is Not Correct !.Is not TRUE *)
 (* {{(B E^(-I t w) r w0)/(I R + w - w0) == 0, (B r R)/(R^2 + (w - w0)^2) == 0}} *)
POSTED BY: Mariusz Iwaniuk
Posted 5 years ago

I appreciate your return. thanks very much. I got the form answer by the code. I think i only want the special solution?

POSTED BY: tian zhao

There is something wrong with your "right answer". It satisfies neither the differential equation nor the initial condition.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 5 years ago

Thanks for pointing out mistakes. I am not rigorous. but it satisfied the differential equation if you calculate by hand. I have got the form I expected. I confused the general solution and special solution.

In[16]:=  ODE = {y'[t] == (I*w0 - R)*y[t] + B/2*r*(Exp[I*w*t] + Exp[-I*w*t])};
    sol = DSolve[ODE, y, t] // FullSimplify
Out[17]:={{y -> Function[{t}, 
    1/2 B E^(t (-R + I w0) + t (R - I (w + w0)))
       r (E^(2 I t w)/(R + I (w - w0)) + 1/(R - I (w + w0))) + 
     E^(t (-R + I w0)) C[1]]}}                                                                                                        
In[18]:= Simplify[1/2 B E^(t (-R + I w0) + t (R - I (w + w0)))
                 r (E^(2 I t w)/(R + I (w - w0)) + 1/(R - I (w + w0)))]                                                
 Out[19]:= 1/2 B E^(-I t w) r (E^(2 I t w)/(R + I (w - w0)) + 1/(R - I (w + w0)))
POSTED BY: tian zhao

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POSTED BY: Moderation Team
Posted 5 years ago

I had corrected it ,thanks~

POSTED BY: tian zhao
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