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Avoid Issue with open bracket size?

Posted 6 years ago


I try to write a basic expression in mathematica. ]-pi/2,pi/2[ When I use open close brackets, their size match the size of the expression : enter image description here

When I use open bracket on the left and close on the right, it is the same : enter image description here But as soon as I want to use open bracket on the right of the expression, the right bracket display in small : enter image description here

Do you please have an idea how to fix this ? Thank you for kind help best Regards

POSTED BY: sunny rose

I don't know of a satisfying way to do that. Here is an approximation:

 RowBox[{Style["]", 30], "\[NegativeMediumSpace]", 1/2, ",", Pi/2, 
   "\[NegativeMediumSpace]", Style["[", 30]}]]

The options DelimiterMatching and SpanMaxSize may have to do with solving the problem, but I have found no way to trick Mathematica into treating "[" as a closing delimiter, or "]" as an opening delimiter. TeX has the \mathclose and \mathopen, of \left \right commands that do that.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
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