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Can Mathematica import data from Apache Parquet files?

Posted 6 years ago

Is there a Wolfram language function to import data from an Apache Parquet file? If not, is the capability to read Parquet files planned for a future release? There is no mention of Parquet in the Wolfram documentation or on Mathematica Stack Exchange.

POSTED BY: Lee Godfrey
Posted 10 months ago

I haven't seen information about native support in Mathematica for reading Apache Parquet files. I had the same question myself this week, but could not see much information on the internet. I successfully read a parquet file using Python, then imported the result into Mathematica as follows:

session = StartExternalSession["Python"]
ExternalEvaluate[session, "import pandas as pd"]
ExternalEvaluate[session, "df = pd.read_parquet('C:/test.parquet')"]
df = ExternalValue[session, "df"]

Mathematica imports the pandas dataframe as a Dataset. I hope this helps!

POSTED BY: Howard Simms
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