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Import a 3D head model and interact with it with an animated 2D graph?

Posted 6 years ago

Hi, I'm using Mathematica 9.0 (I can upgrade if needed) for several weeks, and work's with 6 parameters in 3 axis. roll ,azimuth, elevation ,x,y,z. I did an animated graph for in 2D for el,rl el,az, y,x y,z... and now I would like to have an animated 3D head model that I can active (animate) according to my graph, and by that I would be able to understand the head movement better. I believe there are ready models? if so, where can I get them? And how do I maneuvering them with my graph.

POSTED BY: alie rainh
2 Replies
Posted 6 years ago

Does this help? Specifically the skull manipulate example

AnatomyPlot3D[{Entity["AnatomicalStructure", "Neurocranium"], 
Entity["AnatomicalStructure", "ZygomaticBone"], 
Entity["AnatomicalStructure", "SphenoidBone"], 
Entity["AnatomicalStructure", "NasalBone"], 
Entity["AnatomicalStructure", "Maxilla"], 
Entity["AnatomicalStructure", "MaxillaryDentition"], 
Rotate[{Entity["AnatomicalStructure", "Mandible"], 
Entity["AnatomicalStructure", "MandibularDentition"]}, 
Dynamic[t Degree], {1, 0, 0}, {0.33, -106., 1470.}]}, 
SphericalRegion -> True, 
PlotRange -> Entity["AnatomicalStructure", "Skull"], 
PlotRangePadding -> 20], {t, 0, 20}, SynchronousUpdating -> False]
POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi

You should show the work you have done already to give a better idea of what you want.

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