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Empty ListPolarPlot

Posted 11 years ago

Who could help me to use ListPolarPlot?  I made
and Mathematica did not show me one point in polar coordinates as I hoped.

Thank you,
POSTED BY: Ana Squadri
3 Replies
The solution provided by Nasser is correct. We verified the code by Nasser and even your code above without PlotRange -> All and in both cases axes were returned.

Could you please restart Mathematica and try again? If issue persists please contact technical support because this issues seems to be specific only to your setup.
POSTED BY: Moderation Team
Posted 11 years ago
It only works without PlotRange->All. When I put PlotRange->All just appears the point without the axes.
ListPolarPlot[{{Pi/5, 4}}, PlotStyle -> Directive[Red, PointSize[Large]]]
Thank you,
POSTED BY: Ana Squadri
First, you are using the first form of the command {r1,r2,..}.. What you want is the second form {{theta,r}},
ListPolarPlot[{{Pi/5, 4}}, PlotRange -> All,PlotStyle -> Directive[Red, PointSize[Large]]]
POSTED BY: Nasser M. Abbasi
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