Here is a more useable format, each of the numbers except the date format ones are converted to numbers, its also in a table format for better virewing. There are a number of assumptions. No1, the number at the begining of each line will always be in 2 digit decimal form, i.e. nn..n,mm. No2, the time format at the end of each line will always be at the end and nothing else will be after it.
s1 = {{7, 95 "........... 2000 ........... 17:00:07"}, {11,
"00 ........... 2000 ........... 17:00:16"}, {14,
"05 ............ 180 ............ 17:00:40"}, {13,
"97 .......... 700 ............... 10:01:41"}, {2,
"98 ............. 379 ............ 09:39:36"}, {5,
"03 .......... 200 .............. 09:13:11"}, {7,
"12 ............ 250 .............. 09:15:44"}, {10,
"30 ............. 921 ............ 16:12:00"}, {12,
"45 .......... 2000 ............... 16:38:52"}, {8,
"00 ............. 265 ...........12:29:12"}};
list = {}; Do[ls = StringLength[ToString[s1[[q]]]];
a = StringTake[ToString[s1[[q]]], {ls - 8, ls - 1}];
AppendTo[list, {Partition[StringCases[ToString[s1[[q]]], RegularExpression["\\w+"], 3], 3],
a}], {q, 1, Length[s1]}]; list = Partition[Flatten[list], 4]; list1 = {}; Do[AppendTo[list1, {N[(FromDigits[list[[q, 1]]]*100 +
FromDigits[list[[q, 2]]])/100], FromDigits[list[[q, 3]]],
list[[q, 4]]}], {q, 1, Length[list]}];
PrependTo[list1, {"No1", "No2", "TIME"}];
Print[Grid[list1, Background -> {None, {1 -> Yellow}},
Alignment -> Left, Frame -> All, Spacings -> {1, 1}]]
7.95 2000 17:00:07
11. 2000 17:00:16
14.05 180 17:00:40
13.97 700 10:01:41
2.98 379 09:39:36
5.03 200 09:13:11
7.12 250 09:15:44
10.3 921 16:12:00
12.45 2000 16:38:52
8. 265 12:29:12
No1 No2 TIME
7.95 2000 17:00:07
11. 2000 17:00:16
14.05 180 17:00:40
13.97 700 10:01:41
2.98 379 09:39:36
5.03 200 09:13:11
7.12 250 09:15:44
10.3 921 16:12:00
12.45 2000 16:38:52
8. 265 12:29:12