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[Wolfram U] Applying Neural Networks Webinar Series

Posted 6 years ago

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This free webinar series will cover neural network applications in three topic areas:

February 6 - Computer Vision and Deep Learning

February 20 - Computational Audio Processing

March 6 - Natural Language Processing

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Take a deep dive into the workflows for building, training and evaluating neural networks. See how you can use custom neural net models to solve complex processing tasks involving image, audio and natural language data. Our developers will give hands-on demonstrations, showing real-world applications using new Wolfram Language functionality and improved neural net models in each subject area.

The webinar series will show you how to:

  • Use built-in neural net functions in the Wolfram Language
  • Download and customize pretrained models from the Neural Network Repository
  • Build and train a neural net model from scratch
  • Apply the models to real-world problems in computer vision, audio processing and natural language processing.
4 Replies
POSTED BY: Wolfram U

Thanks. Excellent presentation and very usefull !


POSTED BY: Jos Klaps

Natural Language Processing

Wed, Mar 6, 2019 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM CST

This webinar will show you how to:

  • Build, modify, train and apply standard neural nets for natural language processing
  • Encode and decode contexts and questions
  • Utilize recurrence and attention in complex classification and sequence generation tasks

Videos from the first two webinars covering image and audio processing and and analysis are now available:


Computational Audio Processing

Wed, Feb 20, 2019 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM CST

This is the second webinar in a three-part series, where the topic will be neural networks for audio processing and analysis.

At this webinar you'll learn about Wolfram Language built-in functions for neural nets, the Neural Net Repository and more:

  • Building an audio classifier
  • Net surgery for feature extraction
  • Transfer learning

Videos from the first webinar covering building an image classifier and other image processing tasks are now available:

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