I followed your suggestion,here is what I got:
xt = Table[{NSolve[x^2 - .001 i == 0 && x > 0]}, {i, 8}];
In[25]:= {
{xt1 = xt /. {{Rule[a, b]}} :> b;},
Out[25]= {{Null}, {[Placeholder]}}
In[26]:= xt1
Out[26]= {{0.0316228}, {0.0447214}, {0.0547723}, {0.0632456}, \
{0.0707107}, {0.0774597}, {0.083666}, {0.0894427}}
In[27]:= Table[xt1[[n, 2]], {n, 8}]
During evaluation of In[27]:= Part::partw: Part 2 of {0.0316228} does not exist.
During evaluation of In[27]:= Part::partw: Part 2 of {0.0447214} does not exist.
During evaluation of In[27]:= Part::partw: Part 2 of {0.0547723} does not exist.
During evaluation of In[27]:= General::stop: Further output of Part::partw will be suppressed during this calculation.
Out[27]= {{{0.0316228}, {0.0447214}, {0.0547723}, {0.0632456}, \
{0.0707107}, {0.0774597}, {0.083666}, {0.0894427}}[[1,
2]], {{0.0316228}, {0.0447214}, {0.0547723}, {0.0632456}, \
{0.0707107}, {0.0774597}, {0.083666}, {0.0894427}}[[2,
2]], {{0.0316228}, {0.0447214}, {0.0547723}, {0.0632456}, \
{0.0707107}, {0.0774597}, {0.083666}, {0.0894427}}[[3,
2]], {{0.0316228}, {0.0447214}, {0.0547723}, {0.0632456}, \
{0.0707107}, {0.0774597}, {0.083666}, {0.0894427}}[[4,
2]], {{0.0316228}, {0.0447214}, {0.0547723}, {0.0632456}, \
{0.0707107}, {0.0774597}, {0.083666}, {0.0894427}}[[5,
2]], {{0.0316228}, {0.0447214}, {0.0547723}, {0.0632456}, \
{0.0707107}, {0.0774597}, {0.083666}, {0.0894427}}[[6,
2]], {{0.0316228}, {0.0447214}, {0.0547723}, {0.0632456}, \
{0.0707107}, {0.0774597}, {0.083666}, {0.0894427}}[[7,
2]], {{0.0316228}, {0.0447214}, {0.0547723}, {0.0632456}, \
{0.0707107}, {0.0774597}, {0.083666}, {0.0894427}}[[8, 2]]}
I cannot get the anticipated table form like following:
{0.0316228, 0.0447214, 0.0547723, 0.0632456, 0.0707107, \
0.0774597, 0.083666, 0.0894427}
Anything wrong? Thanks