Hello everyone, Ive just joined the community. On March 5th I'm giving a Meetup group presentation titled "The Greatest Unsolved Problem in Mathematics", which is of course the Riemann hypothesis. I will include many classical images of races between the prime "staircase" and various functions. I also want to include entertaining sounds, so I made this example of how zeta waves sum to prime spikes.
zwave[n_,x_]:=Cos[Im[ZetaZero[n]] Log[x]];
However, I cant figure out how to turn these plots into sound in a pleasant Hz range. I tried increasing the frequency by using a multiplier inside, but I keep getting something inaudible. Can someone help me create sound out of these plots, and explain what a general strategy might be?
P.S. Any contributions of great sounds generated by primes and zeta zeroes would be welcome, and Ill attribute you in my talk.