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Add white noise on a signal that depends on 2 variables, WhiteNoiseProcess?

Posted 6 years ago

Hi everyone! I have the following issue:

In the Documentation I have found that to add withe noise to a signal one should do the following: enter image description here

However, when a signal depend on 2 variables, e.g, f(k,m), and k,m are integers, and an output, the values of f(k,m), is either complex or real numbers. HOW CAN one ADD WHITE NOISE here?

I would be grateful very-very much for your help!

Best regards, Anna

POSTED BY: Anna Veselovska
2 Replies

Anna, I don't think you have a problem with the equations you have set up. Just proceed with two-term distribution and your added noise. If you are mixing two sources of signal, you will need to mix your two signals and two noises (see below). The imaginary number in wave equations are common (like in quantum mechanics and phased-array radar, interferometric telescopes, diffraction grating, fringes, etc.). The key feature of all the above waves is that the signal is not "detected" or demodulated until the terms are processed (demodulated, waves “collapse” in quantum mechanics) in a "square-law detector" (photodiode, eye-ball, radio receiver, photo-emulsion) where the imagery terms or phase "interfere" with each other and the "squaring" process removes the imaginary terms.

Anonymous User
Anonymous User
Posted 6 years ago

I see mm Help has several white noise examples - perhaps try a different example to see "raw white noise" then simply add that to your (input or output) is one way.

as to your definition it is loose but it sounds like your speaking of a general equation for white noise. you can be assured mathematica has it built in somewheres

POSTED BY: Anonymous User
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