The webcomic xkcd featured an interesting comic for March 1, 2019:

Rarely would I be accused of taking a joke (too) seriously, but I found this intriguing enough to try doing this in Mathematica.
That is, what should the lower and upper limits be such that the vertical area is equal to $\frac12$ (recalling that the area under a PDF should be $1$)?
Let's first define the PDF of the normal distribution (i.e. the usual bell curve):
pdf[x_] = PDF[NormalDistribution[], x]
E^(-(x^2/2))/Sqrt[2 ?]
As in the comic, I will make the arbitrary and capricious choice of centering the area of interest at
1/(2 Sqrt[2 ?])
One thing to do is to find the abscissas corresponding to the upper and lower limits; that is, if we let the height of the area be 2 h
, find the value of x
such that pdf[x] == 1/(2 Sqrt[2 ?]) - h
for the lower limit, and the value of x
such that pdf[x] == 1/(2 Sqrt[2 ?]) + h
for the upper limit. Due to the symmetry of the Gaussian function, it suffices to give the restriction x > 0
{xm[h_], xp[h_]} = Assuming[-(1/(2 Sqrt[2 ?])) < h < 1/(2 Sqrt[2 ?]),
Simplify[(x /. First[Solve[pdf[x] == 1/(2 Sqrt[2 ?]) + #
&& x > 0, x]]) & /@ {-h, h}]]
{Sqrt[2] Sqrt[-Log[1/2 - h Sqrt[2 ?]]], Sqrt[2] Sqrt[-Log[1/2 + h Sqrt[2 ?]]]}
where I have taken the liberty to assign the results to functions for later use.
At this point, one might wish to construct a Manipulate[]
object to assist visualization, like so:
Manipulate[Plot[{Min[pdf[x], 1/(2 Sqrt[2 ?]) - h],
Min[pdf[x], 1/(2 Sqrt[2 ?]) + h], pdf[x]}, {x, -4, 4},
Exclusions -> None, Filling -> {2 -> {{1}, Opacity[0.6, Pink]}},
PlotLabel -> StringForm["h=`1`, Area=`2`", h,
Quiet[2 NIntegrate[
Min[pdf[x], 1/(2 Sqrt[2 ?]) + h] -
Min[pdf[x], 1/(2 Sqrt[2 ?]) - h],
{x, 0, xm[h]}]]],
PlotStyle -> {None, None, ColorData[97, 1]}],
{h, 0, 1/(2 Sqrt[2 ?])}]

where I used Min[]
to clip the Gaussian function at appropriate limits.
Note that in the example I gave, a value of $h\approx 0.105$ gives an area that is nearly equal to $\frac12$. To solve for the right value of $h$, let us get an explicit expression for the integral:
area = Assuming[0 < h < 1/(2 Sqrt[2 ?]),
Simplify[Integrate[Min[pdf[x], 1/(2 Sqrt[2 ?]) + h] -
Min[pdf[x], 1/(2 Sqrt[2 ?]) - h],
{x, -xm[h], xm[h]}]]]
which yields a complicated expression involving the error function Erf[]
. This can now be plugged into Solve[]
hs = h /. First[Solve[area == 1/2 && 0 < h < 1/(2 Sqrt[2 ?]), h]];
which yields a complicated Root[]
object that nevertheless can be easily evaluated numerically:
N[hs, 20]
We also find that
2 hs/(pdf[0]) 100 // N
that is, the height of the area being considered covers $\approx 52.7\%$ of the whole height of the bell curve.
Let's show a hopefully more understandable way to solve for $h$. The area of interest can also be determined through a sequence of subtractions, which can be depicted pictorially:

To do this, we need the expression for the area under a symmetric portion of the bell curve:
Assuming[a > 0, Integrate[pdf[x], {x, -a, a}]]
Then, the necessary area expression is
area2 = (Erf[xm[h]/Sqrt[2]] - (2 xm[h]) (1/(2 Sqrt[2 ?]) - h)) -
(Erf[xp[h]/Sqrt[2]] - (2 xp[h]) (1/(2 Sqrt[2 ?]) + h));
from which one can solve for the necessary value of $h$:
h /. First[Solve[area2 == 1/2 && 0 < h < 1/(2 Sqrt[2 ?]), h]]
which should again yield the same Root[]